What Legion Raids can I solo at 223 BM Hunter?

I didn’t play during Legion, started in 8.3 BFA so I don’t know the Raids well.

Am I able to solo any of them or partially on some?

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I heard some bosses cant be solo’d due to mechanics, but i cant remember which ones.

You can solo:

  • Emerald Nighmare
  • Nighthold
  • Tomb of Sargeras (Kiljaeden is hard tho)
  • Antorus (you can’t solo Eonar and Aggramar)

Not all classes can solo Guldan (Nighthold) on Mythic, and i’d say Kil’Jaeden is nearly impossible on Mythic to solo. I’d be impressed if anyone soloed Argus but since that’s past Aggramar or any skip you could use i’ll give you a pass on that one.

He’s on a BM Hunter so Guldan won’t be an issue.

So why do I want to run Mythic and not Heroic? Just different MOG’s?

BM can solo Aggramar as the knockback is cast on the pet and it is immune to it. Argus was too much incoming damage last time I tried it however.

possibility of the mythic mount also the gear from mythic looks alot different from it’s heroic/normal variant

You can easily do all the raids on Normal, most on heroic, and some on mythic. As others have said, Kiljaeden might be difficult unless you’re a demon hunter and then in Antorus there are some that require multiple people because of mechanics.

I say, go start at the first one and work your way through them. The worst that will happen is you’ll die. :slight_smile: Have fun!

I’ve been working on these in my spare time, just to see what I can manage. So far, Emerald Nightmare, Nighthold and Trial of Valor are all doable on Mythic.

I’ll probably check out the rest this week, but at your ilvl you should have no problem.

I have a 208 BM Hunter. I’ve only done Mythic Emerald Nightmare Mythic Trial of Valor and Mythic Nighthold. Emerald Nightmare and ToV are fine. Mythic Nighthold is also fine but Gul’dan does require a mention, save your cooldowns, when you hit the mythic phase of the fight and begin to fight the demon within I recommend using everything. You’re going to be hit with a healing prevention mechanic combined with a stacking parasite worm debuff that’ll chunk you, or at least it almost chunked me.

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Think Priest can do it?

Welcome to scaling. Blizzard again takes the fun out of content.

Have a great day.


On normal difficulty I think any class can solo any boss but on Mythic I am not so sure because of the scaling fiasco.

Really hate when they squish levels because they always screw up the scaling. This is why I am not a fan of scaling. It’s nice to have old content be at your level but sometimes I don’t want to take forever going through old content I just want to smash and go especially when farming for T-mogs.

I ran Mythic Nighthold on my BM back when 120 was max level, though I did get wrecked by Krosus but that is probably because I didn’t research any of the fights before entering and I think his damage might have been overtuned or something.

I did normal Nighthold on my 159 Balance Druid this past week and had no problems but I only cleared it up to the last three bosses since I didn’t look up how to get to them and didn’t see any obvious way while in there. I wanted to test out normal to see how the scaling was before I tried Mythic because my nephews are interested in Mythic and are struggling with just the two of them on some bosses. They said some online guides suggest you either try to solo it or have 3 or more players since some mechanic on a boss doesn’t spawn enough for two players to survive.

Normal = any max level class can solo in any gear though will probably be harder if fresh 60
Mythic = Either take a group of max levels or gear up and pray

You can solo all of them except probably avatar, KJ, and eonar (so the second half of antorus is probably out unless you already have the skip unlocked).

Actually some people with good gear have soloed avatar/KJ/eonar around your gear level (look for youtube videos), but it’s very hard to do even with consumables and requires some good strats and practice. Probably better to wait for 9.1 or 9.2 for those.

EN, Nighthold, ToV, and all the other bosses in tomb/antorus are definitely soloable in mythic at 223. Save your CDs for the demon within on Gul’dan, you need to burst hard for that phase even with good gear.

if you are referring to mythic this list is very innacurate


star augur is a serious dps check most people cannot come close to making now
gul’dan illidan phase also a serious dps check most cannot make


Avatar is a very real dps check that can only be cheesed by locks and hunters
Kil’Jaiden you will have to be able to do darkness phase which most will never even try to do


Half the bosses in there are not solo’able for most classes

PS: thanks ion for gating legion raids we really appreciate it >_>

PPS: as a BM hunter obv you an cheese a ton of stuff that only locks can also do so enjoy!


OP is a 223 BM hunter, he can easily do anything except avatar, KJ, and eonar (those are actually possible on a bm hunter and have been done, just hard). Most classes can do anything except those bosses with 220+ gear with the proper talents/spec.

I actually sort of like how legion is scaled currently, it makes the old raid bosses fun solo encounters that require some mechanics, rather than just 1 shots.