What kind of monsters play prevoker?

So I did a heroic Amird run tonight, yeah? I got 300k HPS on my prevoker on Larodar, and that was only a 70 parse?

On my monk, I have similar HPS parses across all bosses, and I’m 20-30 higher than my prevoker, averaging 70-80, where on my prevoker I average like 40-60 when I’m getting 200-300k+ HPS a fight (keep in mind I’m 496 ilvl on my prevoker, and even for my ilvl I’m parsing super low, despite massively outhealing my monk or pally that are far more geared).

… what kind of monsters play prevoker? Do I need 800k HPS to keep up?

It seems like you know how to use warcraft logs. They literally have a chart showing the performance quartiles and data

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The same monsters that like Valdraken race

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I don’t worship parses unlike a majority of the playerbase, I just look at them for fun. Haven’t looked around most of the site except the front page for my characters. Where does that data live?

I just find it shocking how low 200-300k+ HPS is compared to other prevokers, 'cause I outheal my other healers by a significant amount but parse way lower.

I don’t know, the recent performance data for both a pretty similar on the low to medium range but there is a huge difference on the high end.

Where do I see those graphs?

And also, why is MW monk such a big gap? It’s a really easy healer.

These are the prevoker healing rankings for heroic amir at the ilvl range of your prevoker.

I found my prevoker at #48. \o/

Are there that few prevoker players, that #48 in my ilvl range is only a 73?

You can mess around with the options at the top to get specific data

Prevoker is second least played healer in the data set based on the number of parses uploaded (Note: Not everyone uploads parses)

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Cool thanks.

Its an 89 parse for your ilvl and a 73 overall

Well #48 being an 89 is still kind of a low number. I would expect #48 to be like, 96-97ish. I guess it is the new class though, so smaller sample sizes. Oh well.

Sample size is further reduced by ilvl range.

Looking at heroic larodar healing charts.

If you bring 2 healers to a 30 man raid instead of 4-6 healers, that allows you to achieve much larger numbers.

That’s basically what the top logs have done.