What Keeps You Playing?

As a personal challenge, I’ve started tanking endgame content for the first time this expansion, and have gotten my first KSM with a team my partner and I grew. It has been a genuinely rewarding experience, and it’s been great to know that with every new person I teach there is a bit more warmth and positivity in the M+ community :slight_smile:

I’ve also been writing a lot. Shadowlands has given a ton of opportunity to write big, cool magic and it’s consequences. Right now my baby is a major Venthyr story arc which will lead directly into our guild’s 9.1 campaign!


Achievement chasing

I’m lucky and found a guild that suits me as well. I used to play by myself for years. If it wasn’t for them and the friends I’ve picked up, I probably would have quit by now.

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I love the dwarf zones. First toon I ever had was a dwarf. Fair warning though, the trogg quests in the Loch are excruciatingly painful :slight_smile:


I remember when my dwarf warrior, Thrymnir, proudly sported the whole Imperial set after crafting it over hours and hours. Good times :slight_smile:


I’m expecting pain, I got my butt kicked by Murlocks in Tirisfal on my undead.

I’m stuck deciding if I want to make a dwarf or wait for TBC and make a Draenei hunter instead.

Having no access to a ps4/xbox one anymore my pc is basically my go to right now and WoW is about the only active game I own.

That being said I keep trying to level each class to 60 and do covenant campaigns to get the transmogs basically. Lately however I can barely get a level before it gets incredibly boring and I log off 5 minutes after logging in for the first time in the day.

Having friends would help but sadly that’s not an option. Only people I know refuse to play WoW and making new friends is well, I feel becoming president would be easier than making friends in this game ._. Not because I don’t try mind you but people are set in their ways and trying to actually talk to people is pretty difficult. It’s not easy.