What keeps you playing?


I’m an eternal optimist and I keep hoping that I’ll wake up and find that whoever is causing this game I love to disintegrate around me has some kind of revelation and they hire people who love the game to work on it, people with imagination and fire in their bellies to make it great again.

I know, I’m an idiot. But you never know…



I only own one book out of them all and it is unfortunately the Med’an book. I read and said to myself that it was fantastic only to later learn everybody had hated it. I also attempt to soak up as much lore knowledge as I can by watching Nobbel87 and others. But I don’t find the lore to be very engaging. That’s just my opinion.

Battle for Azeroth is one of the most beautiful expansions to date, yes, but I also really liked the look of Mists and thought all the tiny details was astonishing. I still think Mists is one of my favorite looking expansions to date.

As for fishing? I’ve only fished for mats and those Darkmoon fish. I’m not a huge fan of fishing.

Unfortunately, I am a huge Horde fan. Alliance just doesn’t have those cool spikes.

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The nostalgia and feel of the game is so magical. I also am sort of slow so I still have a lot of content to do, as well as old content to go through. So I have a lot of stuff keeping me playing.

Make Azeroth Great Again.

You’re not an idiot for being eternally optimist either. And I do hope whatever has been causing World of Warcraft to lose it’s luster is ruined and replaced by something that’ll bring it back in action.

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Me, too! I think the art department just KILLED IT in Kun-Lai Summit. Absolutely killed it.

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Kun-Lai Summit was one of my least favorite, but I can see how it appeals to others.

Since you love world PvP, you should DEFINITELY give WoW: Classic a try when it comes out.

Vanilla was the golden age of world PvP. No sharding and CRZ nonsense means you’ll always have a good fight with familiar faces. You’ll love it.

The thought of being stabbed to death by rogues does sound mighty fine.

Pretty sure I’m just addicted.

Personally unsubbed just waiting for time to run out. Thats ok though i have 7 plus console games and dozens of other pc games to dive into.

Boredom. Already beat every PS4 game I own 100% all trophies. Although Ill likely go back to those. Still need to Ng+ GOW and SpiderMan plus theres the Switch games I plan to buy. Once my sub goes in January ill bid the game goodbye


What keeps me playing wow: believe it or not, old content or conditions. I started looking for a new game when MOP went live. I hate the flying restrictions and it started then. Though I have looked and taken a few game that are WOW clones for a test drive, they all lacked at least one small thing that wow does have and fits my play style. Some of things are: being able to have only 2 main professions, number of avatars per account and server, number of available professions, number of classes available. The list goes on but I’m sure you get the point…it’s the small stuff !!
/bows in respect

Questing. I like questing.

I raid every other-ish Saturday if my work schedule allows.

War mode pvp. I’m halfway to Conquerer of Azeroth.

I log in to do a few bg’s and frankly not much else. I had my AOTC achieve long ago and time gating content means nothing because azerite armor just plain turns me off doing more. This honestly pisses me off that they felt comfortable with major changes without any input. I definitely give the devs no pity for the future they are about to suffer through.

I log in and occasionally do some world quests but that’s it, I’ve become immersed in another MMORPG now but after playing this game for 13+ years it’s sad to see it go down this road of “FUN DETECTED, NERF IT”. Anyway that’s the feeling I get now when I play, It’s more like work then play.

I’m paid up until March of 2019 and that will be it for me. Unless a miracle happens.

Hmm, well I’m going to admit I’m not having as much fun as I did in Legion. I used to do a lot more, with PvE, PvP, and roleplay. But, nowadays I’m trying to kick my guild back into gear with its plotlines. It really becomes a lot when you’re the only one running plotlines, so I needed a break.

  1. I collect, so that’s what I’ve been doing a lot. I’m trying to get all of my pets to 25, and I’m very close to getting Hearthy.
  2. Roleplay and my guild, though I haven’t done much lately, I plan on doing more now that I have some time.
  3. Mount collecting too, but that’s pretty straightforward. I go farm Midnight and Nalak frequently. Oh, and am working toward the Brutosaur. Almost halfway there now.
  4. Storylines and such, the lore is fun to me.

I’ve recently tried out new classes and I love some of them, like ret for example, and so I’ve been leveling an alt in the meantime.

PvP man, it’s good fun

Achievements, mounts, daily crap. I want stopping doing BfA stuff until flying gets added to BfA zones, as everything feels very time consuming, but I really don’t want to kick myself later because I did not want to do it before.

Anyways, I have 15 days left of subscription time, I think I will let it lapse until they release “season 2” (stupid crap) or 8.1.5, I don’t even know if both come together. However this time I will wait a bit before I burn another token, I will not play on buggy content.