What? Item Squish Already!

“Indestructible” already has been in WOW for a long time as a tertiary item stat. People just felt it was pretty much worthless before.

Now, it is actually worth a decent amount of gold if you get it on a top end gear and use it for raids and M+, lol.

Because it’s

A). Wholly unnecessary,
B). Requires more computing power to handle those huge numbers,
C). It’s harder to read on the screen with a bunch of 6-digit numbers everywhere compared to 3-5 digit numbers.

But not only that, but also… there’s no reason why you should ding one levelup and the new piece of gear has 30% more stats than the piece of gear you just got 5 minutes ago before you dinged. That’s just ridiculous.

You read the scrolling combat text?

It oftentimes makes stuff on the ground hard to see when there’s a lot of it, esp with trash packs. And yes, sometimes, it’s nice to know what your abilities are doing in some situations.

we had less than one million health in bfa
i like seeing numbers go up over time it sucks when in legion you’re hitting for millions then bfa you’re hitting for 100ks on crits to shadowlands hitting 1ks

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That literally doesn’t matter.

If an enemy has 1 million health and you hit it for 100k damage, it’s literally the same thing as if the enemy had 1 thousand health and you hit it for 100 damage (other than, of course, the latter being a lot easier to compute for the computers and the latter being a lot less visual clutter on the screen, etc).

You sound like one of those players back in the PS3 era of JRPGs who ooo’d and aaah’d at FF13 with the 5 digit 99999s all over the screen even though the gameplay was half controlled by the CPU and all you were doing is telling the CPU general strategies rather than choosing the commands yourself manually.