👑 What is your rarest title

Awesome, never heard of that one

Sergeant Major
Hand of A’dal
The Insane

Lieutenant General (old Vanilla era) on this hunter and probably Hand of A’dal on my others. Wish I’d have gotten Lord of War on my Warrior, Raloszek, instead of wasting it on this hunter. I assumed it was going to be account wide and then it wasn’t.

I would have to say my classic pvp rank Senior Sergeant, :medal_military:

Of The Black Harvest apparently. Still remember being so stoked to get that on my lock.

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Sergeant Major from Vanilla. I’m still sad I missed my first Knight title by such a small amount.

Mistwalker 0.1% people own it.
Achieved by getting atleast 1 realm best challenge mode time in MoP. I got all of the dungeons though.

No longer obtainable, and I only have it on my shaman I don’t play anymore. Feelsbadman

How can you tell how rare it is?

~wowrarity.com lets you look up the titles/mounts/pets you have/don’t have and the percentage of folks who do have it

I have First Sergeant, on my first character. From a Carebear server, no less.

I think that title’s a little rare, but do not know.

“Champion of Ulduar” 0.84%

Now that I don’t raid anymore, It will probably remain my rarest.

Centurion, Lord of war, The Undying, Also have the title for 100 reps maxed, Hand of Adal

Wowrarity error:
Wowrarity lists “the Undying” at 4.4% of accounts , yet they list the mount that comes with the achieve the Plagued proto drake at 1.1% of accounts. Can’t have different numbers here they are from the same achievement.
Since the 1.1% is also close to the number for the immortal, the 25 man version of undying. I would conclude that the 4.4% title rarity ranking is an error.

Hero of the horde, at .1%

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I have a hunter who has the Knight Champion title. That’s pretty rare.

I use Warlord, shows as 0.0%

On my last account, The Immortal.

I’ve got a mid-tier pvp title from vanilla, and then probably Professor after that–I can’t imagine many people have bothered with Archaeology.

the undying or the immortal

Probably the Purifier atm. Not many people have gone back to farm Mythic Uldir.

Mine would seem to be “the proven assailant” with “draenei destroyer” as runner up.

I have private and sergeant on some older characters but eh.