šŸ‘‘ What is your rarest title

Lady of War on my Warlock.


I guess Field Medic would be since itā€™s no longer available. I made sure I got it to use on all my healers.

How do you check the % of players who have the titles?

Rarest is Champion .2 next is Conqueror at .8

Rarest mount is Pureheart unicorn, then Brewfest Ram.


Itā€™s extremely rare.

Rarest is General and Lieutenant Commander on my Horde & Alliance alts respectively.

Rarest mounts are Shackled Urzul, Son of Galleon & X-51 Nether-Rocket

ā€œCommanderā€ that I made on this resto druid back in Vanilla WoW. You know back when healing didnā€™t give you honor? And yes I know sheā€™s a Worgen now but she was a Night Elf at the start. This character was made back in 04 and while sheā€™s currently not one of my mains I do keep her around.

Potato God.

Itā€™s in there. Trust me. :laughing:

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I canā€™t get the site to work, but Iā€™m pretty sure my rarest title is ā€œBloodsail Admiralā€.

WOW nevermind. Just got it to work.

My rarest title is ā€œScoutā€. Yay for minimum amount of PVP in classic!

I prefer my #2 title though, which is the one I use. ā€œof the Black Harvestā€.

The removed Private title (even though you can get it again) with 1.0%. So odd feels like that common baseball card that nobody wanted yet somehow ended up being rare decades later.

However Iā€™m more fond of the Chosen. Will be eager to play classic TBC and Wrath when they come out if Classic does well. I want to be able to do those challenges that I know I could have done had I just had more time to play back then.

Conqueror is my rarest at .8%

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Field Marshall for me. I never made it to gm cause I was burned out beyond belief, and as a feral Druid I decided To stop grinding weapons cause weapon dps didnā€™t do anything for feral. Do I regret that stopping? Not at all. I regret grinding to field Marshall thoughā€¦worst thing I ever did in this gameā€¦it was terrible.


However not sure how accurate it is but I believe that whats the majority of people having been using in this thread to check.

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Hand of Aā€™dal

Idk, I have Sergeant on my old rogue I mained back in Vanillaā€¦

Then I also have Sword Of Wrynn.

conqeror of teh legion

Mine is ā€œOf the Iron Vanguardā€ and ā€œThe Argent Championā€.

I keep getting an error on wowrarity. So that is just off the top of my head. I could list more if it would work lol.

I think Senior Sergeant is my rarest, but Conqueror is the rare Iā€™m most proud of. There may be one or two old Vanilla event titles in the list somewhere, but Iā€™m not able to search for them at the moment.


Old school, original gangster HWL, ie pre nerf. At the time Blizzard pulled the plug on HWL for Thunderhorn, there were only 10-11 Horde High Warlords. I used one of the popular rarity checker links and it was listed at 0.0% on Thunderhorn.

I ended up retiring the title, out of respect, and horrible night sweat nightmares ā€“ rising through the other 13 ranks then maintaining rank 14 long enough to get the title in the old way was truly a horrible grind.

That, and I got tired of people challenging me to duelā€™s. Iā€™m no longer active in PvP and didnā€™t want the constant challenges, like an Old West sheriff that some young gunslinger wanted to use to put a notch in their gun belt.

I ended up settling on %t of the Horde, a title you get for 100,000 honor kills. Not quite as prestigious as HWL but still impressive and shows my Horde pride.

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Lord of War seems to be my rarest.