What is your Lame Claim to Fame in WoW?

Not so much wow. I was a lot more well known in the warcraft RTS days before wow come out.

I was in Ming’s Grand Marshal BG group for like 2 games before I even knew who Ming was.

I made a joke post about Ritual Sandals on another site that got popular enough that people in my friends guilds were talking about it.
That’s all I got.


There’s three for me.

I held onto the quest “The Horde Needs Lean Wolf Steaks” from the Vanilla AQ invasion and would share it with people in bg’s, especially Wintergrasp in WotLK whenever people asked to share honor quests. People have gone on to share that one across the game (as well as some other holdouts from the invasion as well). It’s still sharable as of SL.

I made a joke about how the corruption Infinite Stars couldn’t be nerfed because reducing infinity by a fraction still leaves you with infinity; that got a blue post and used as an April Fool’s patch note. (I realm transferred though, so I may have lost the post history).

I helped beta test the mission tables in WoD enough to have my name mentioned in a wowhead article.

Funny, but insensitive troll post.

Got a day ban on the forums in like 10 seconds lol

I got a blue post responding to my save Mr. Wiggles post here and someone went off the rails in rage that I got a blue response when there were more important issues in the game.

Oh and Grumbles published a little cookie cookbook (lol).


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My Everquest guild was one of those asked to join beta for WoW. I remember playing a Troll Shaman, but that’s pretty much all I remember about it. Loved it at the time, class has changed way way way much since then.

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Way back when the server Tanaris was added I rerolled to a ret from my warrior here (who started life as an undead on Draka).

And did what most non raiders did, pvp all day all night.

Back then servers were separate ecosystems, you got to know the people from your server from both sides.

Kill enough of the enemy, and they remember you.
There was a tauren shammy named “Docsparky” and me and him had a kinda rivalry going, especially in AV.

I remember him baiting me into a trap, he was at fwgy, was stared at each other a min, he then waves and runs off into their base.

I’m like WTF, what’s he doing. So I chase him up into one of the towers, and he nukes me SO hard, after two hits I had to bubble and heal, soon as bubble drops he nukes me again, dead.

LOL I miss that guy.

Another time I bluffed the Horde base rush to a standstill on the bridge.
I was alone at the base (guarding against rogues) and I could see the Horde offense coming.
I ran out on the bridge, alone and waited.
the Horde guys stopped dead at the bridge, the whole freakin wave of them, stopped, confused.
I dunno if they thought i had rogues with me or what but they didn’t do anything but sit there, staring at me.

After a min or so they rushed me and it ended about as you would expect :rofl:
And another time the horde were trying to summon the big dude in AV, and I kept suiciding from SHGY down to stop the cast. You wouldn’t believe how hard it is to stop a pally from getting a single cast off but i did it for over 10 minutes and we got the win.

Toons name was “Valkryie” and yes, it was spelled wrong then too. Made Lt commander rank.

She’s a BE now, changed the name long ago. Should level her up to 60 but Blizz will have nerf’d her into oblivion by then I’m sure.


I remember that bug. When it happened to us it dumped 5-6 different raid groups into the same instance and we had a massive PvP brawl. Didn’t happen in the middle of a pull though. I can only imagine being in the middle of Ragnaros and you hear some mage “I’VE GOT A HORDE ROGUE ON ME!!!”

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I got this name and they haven’t banned me yet.

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Coughs awkwardly

I totally have an influential and famous thing in WoW. Like, totally…

I wrote an article about fire mages back in wotlk that was kept there by the mods in wowwiki.

I think I’m the equivalent of a background npc

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I was the only guy with the Sha Mount on the server during Tier 1 MoP. I love that mount, I’ve seen like 6 people with it

I made Eric Browning count the number of candle models there were in the game.

At the time there were 572.

To the best of my knowledge I have no claims to fame and that’s the way I like it!

I accidentally left my fruit cart in lower city. When I came back there was about 50 detectives messing around my cart. I was so embarrassed I framed some orphan matron for murder to take the heat off me.


It is seriously impressive that you managed to get that many people to pose in such an orderly fashion for a picture like that.

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World First Hogger