What is your irl job?

Network Engineer

Yeah, okay pal.

ChatGPT isn’t even at the level of junior dev.

Marine, then an electrician for 11 years, then 9 years as a material handler for a medical manufacturer. 6 years I worked for Walmart where I started out as an associate and made it to Coach. Now I am back at the medical manufacturer facility again as a material handler.

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Not ruling that out as a possibility, but

Yep. Most of the replacement will probably be in “code monkey” sorts of jobs where they’re managing isolated functions of much larger pieces of software.

They’ve got a lot of work to do on how it will confidently give total bunk code or code full of smells too.

The best “protection” a dev can procure right now is to be able to write a complex applications from scratch, preferably things more complex than garden variety CRUD apps. Going lower level is also a good bet, the guys writing things like OS kernels and GPU drivers are by far at the lowest risk of being replaced.

Software engineers and developers are cutting too far into the companies profits and bottom line with overinflated and exorbitant unjustified salaries. This is negatively impacting shareholder and executive compensation and hindering profits.

ChatGPT will ensure the workers are not robbing their employers and are not overpaid for mostly menial coding.

When I worked for the US branch of a Taiwanese OEM/ODM electronics manufacturer, because new-product introduction was on a scale of maybe two-dozen products a week and ECO/ECN updates were probably 2-2.5x that
it was such insanely fast-paced rapid development cycles for test-engineering software. Sometimes we would actually get binaries or possibly-working source from HQ, one of the production factories (most in mainland China though also Czech republic, Brazil, Mexico) or one of the component vendors
and a lot of times we didn’t. (plus, even just 8 years ago when I was left, some of it was still real-mode 16-bit, MS-DOS-based C programs!)

It was seat-of-your-pants programming, and one day I told one of the other engineers that were were doing “meatball programming” since it reminded me of Hawkeye referring to their OR work in M*A*S*H as “meatball surgery”. I thought somebody might appreciate that title. I’d never want be in that specific kind of environment doing development again (definitely not with the same company
), but it was interesting.


I’ve been using GPT-3 for the past year to augment coding and it isn’t clear that it is better than not using it at all.

I interrogated ChatGPTs ability to problem solve and it is zero, it can only contextually copy paste stack overflow replies.

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I’ve read several place that both “software for hardware” e.g. firmware and “machine that builds the machine” software is the Wild West compared to consumer-facing software. Definitely slots into the “would be interesting for a while” niche for me personally.

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Useless sack of meat leeching off my dad.


The best use I’ve found for it so far is for giving a launch point for a specific task when you don’t have clear picture of what that entails. It’s fallen flat on its face with a lot of prompts though.

Recently started working for an insurance company. Trying to get enough licensing so I can join the first response teams to directly coordinate and help people during disaster relief by hand delivering checks and providing on the ground relief services

Was trying to go to school for accounting before covid but that little bit of schooling I did do is helping me get my financial licensing finished.

that’s what I already do for a living


Well, your job is probably in danger, yeah.

You could probably already be let go and be replaced by a much cheaper foreigner, though. We’ve done some of that.

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Civil Engineer for a county in Florida.

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Earthmother to the masses - should they care to listen and hear my insight of their lives

Director-Marketing for an aerospace company

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Nothing “just” about that! Used to work in the food service industry, wait staff runs their bottoms off all day every day. Take crap from kitchen staff, customers, and management. On top of all that, if you’re in the states you work for pennies hoping some one leaves you a tip worthy of all the work you’ve done for them!!

Fwiw, there was a bit I saw on TikTok about wearing your hair in pigtails/braids. It nets you more tips.


Human toad, I sit around being a blob of flesh looking like I just don’t give a flip
 occasionally I’ll catch a fly with my tongue and let out a real loud croak


You overestimate junior devs.

Source: I am STILL a junior dev.

Lead DevOps Engineer for a Cybersecurity company