What is your irl job?

I really should brush up my gitbash skills, but PyCharm/IntelliJ have made me lazy.

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honestly im a celebrity, but i like my anonymity so dont bother asking.


I run the shipping/receiving department at a chocolate factory.

As much complaining as you do on the forums Iā€™m almost willing to believe youā€™re Gordon Ramsey.


Same! We twinning :sunglasses::call_me_hand:t2:

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I play with chemicals - and my lab never explodes when I run experiments.

Nurses require a degree (typically bachelor) in the U.S. as well as nursing school. Vet techā€™s just require some sort of 2 year degree or to attend a vet tech program. There are different level of nurses in our health industry too based on experience or degree, but I havenā€™t seen that on the veterinary side. In the U.S. people assume you mean ā€œhumanā€ when the word ā€œnurseā€ is used.

It can vary a lot depending on niche, for example game dev on average pays somewhere between a third and half as much as mobile dev. Web dev can be good as mobile but varies a lot between companiesā€¦ where Iā€™ve worked, the web guys were somewhat underpaid simply because theyā€™re easier to hire, with so many more new devs coming into the field.

I also value autonomy and a high level of impact, which Iā€™ve been able to get with the tiny mobile team at the midsize company I work at.

Level of experience is by far the biggest differentiator when it comes to pay though. A proven veteran front end or back end dev with a strong track record can pull a bigger salary than I have without too much trouble, but most devs donā€™t fit that description.

Any skilled software engineer pulls $$$$ regardless of their field.

The amount I make feels immoral somehow.

Psychotherapist. The focus of my work is treating survivors of complex trauma.


I feel that way sometimes too, but when you look at the numbers, the main difference is that our salaries are some of the tiny handful that have actually kept track with inflation.

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I invoke or sometimes kill daemons. I attempt to master arcane languages filled with ancient symbols. I control vast archives filled with valuable knowledge. I also find and catch bugs.

I amā€¦ā€¦ a junior software developer! :sweat_smile:

Hank Hill!

Photographer, studio owner.


I felt this.

I work in finance at a disability support company and I spend all day making spreadsheets (to cover the fact that we donā€™t have proper software) and helping a bunch of people ctrl z and sum.

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help me

Iā€™m 18 years gladiator in CAD standards meetings in coliseums. Blood for the Blood God.

Well with projections that nearly 95% or more of all IT and software engineers will be out of work due to ChatGPT within 2 years I would save some of that money.

They are projecting nearly 75% unemployment across all western nations with no hopes of any of that employment coming back.

ChatGPT doesnā€™t architect software.



Ver 2.0 will. Already mostly done.