What is your guess for the release of the priest hero trees?

I feel at this rate it will be two to three weeks, and I don’t know if we will get all of the priest trees.
The silence has me more worried then anything.
I wonder if all the trees had to get fixed since the Oracle support role was tossed out.

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hopefully we’ll see a priest tree next week

All I can hope is it’s nothing like the farseer tree cause that thing is awful.

More and more I have a sinking feeling that ‘triple down on PI’ was not a joke, and that all 3 priest hero trees were centered around that hot mess in some way. The near unanimous rejection of Oracle means they had to go back to the drawing board for all 3.

I think that the core problem is that there is exactly ZERO interaction mechanically between shadow and the healing specs. This makes it very hard to get any theme beyond the name.

I am expecting trees that are bascially 2 different trees overlaid with each other with every node reading for Holy buff this spell, for Shadow buff that spell.

E.g. 11 nodes that read like this:

Time extension: Extend renew and shadow word pain by 3 seconds.

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At this point I would be over the moon if our hero trees are going to be as unobstrusive and inoffensive as these passives.

Passives that don’t enhance abilities in ways that are just downright painful to use like that abomination called Oracle with PI/Premonition.

Passives that quietly extend and add power to our existing gameplay, because it feels like the alternative is more gimmicky and annoying than practical and sensible.

Sometimes boring and stable are just good traits to have.

I just wanna interject and say for shadow this talent isn’t even a dps increase.

What I want is cool thematic window dressing that won’t require tonnes of iteration and can let developers fix the mess that is our actual talent trees.

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They’re redoing the Priest hero trees over by scratch imho due to the negative response to the initial Oracle preview. We probably won’t be seeing our trees for a few more weeks, but were also pretty far off from the beta. It’s not like the beta where it was like “whelp here’s your talents” right before the expansion came out.

I’d really like to see them make void Weaver themed around mind trauma or vampire embrace.

I think that they can make the tree be sorta based around damage healing, and being a vampire of power. Let us steal haste and mastery, etc. make us have unique debuffs.

They could make mind blast instant cast, they could make vamp touch instant as well.

Maybe a tree that was based around buffing smite /mind flay, that sorta worked as a a rolling ball of damage or healing that we could use to execute.

Lots of classes are getting crazy mobility buffs, how about we get crazy healing from our damage? Like we heal for 100% of our mindflay insanity.

Also while we are on it, make vamp embrace proc randomly for some amount of time. Give us the option to get an insanity after ever devour plague.

I think there are a LOT of things they can do with shadow, I just hope they do some of them.

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Reintroducing some of the ole BC/Wrath shadowpriest support wouldn’t hurt at all. You poor guys already get messed with on dps enough that there is no justification for not having REAL utility like some other DPS.

Honestly almost anything that isn’t just shoving the equivalent of Trash-acle back at us. It was so unfocused and tonedeaf that just 11 nodes of +.5% versatility would have been better.

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I know what you mean, I have been in the betas since BFA and each time I felt there was not enough time to give feedback, or what was said was ignored. All I can say is they listen this time with Oracle so there is a glimmer of hope.
The Alpha is close so I think we should get some builds before then.
Some of the notes on other classed hero trees told that they will get talents trees reworks. Fingers crossed we get a rework in holy before the beta.
I would love to have a fraction of talent that focus on POM. And have some new builds shine this upcoming expansion.

My bet is 2-3 weeks for the next wave of hero talents. That gives people time to chew on the ones released this week and 10.2.6 next week.

I’m hoping Voidweaver (blend of Shadow + Disc) makes Shadow even tankier or have more offhealing and allows Discipline to deal more damage, even if it comes with some tradeoffs (Disc trading healing for damage, Shadow trading damage for tankiness or offhealing). I’m not hoping for a lot of crazy mechanical changes. IMO the best design for hero talents would be mostly talents that passively buff where the specs “blend” and change around some of the visuals.

As for Archon…I’m really not sure how they are going to pull it off. The idea of blending shadow and holy magic is basically what Disc is for. Maybe give Archon the Cascade spell and make it apply Renew or VT on each bounce on an enemy or ally? Cascade had a massive range for each bounce, so it could theoretically help with multidotting and spread cleave if designed that way.

39 current specs

Each time they released hero talent tree previews…

  • 1st release
    4-1=3 (Oracle went back into development)
    Total = 3
  • 2nd release
    Total = 7
  • 3rd release
    Total = 15
  • 4th release
    Total = 27

39-27 = 12

I think we will have 1 more release with the rest of the specs, including all 3 priest specs.

I also think right after release, alpha will be announced or begin.

i honestly just want them to do it good for once.

but as time goes on, I don’t see this expac being so amazing.

No rework on our current trees.
this gimmicky ascended talent tree feels like a potato.

Whenever it is, I’m sure it’ll be too close to the expansion release that they won’t have enough time to refine it.

Dingdingding! We have a winner!

I was not around for SL/BfA, but from what I hear from others and see from old videos, this is a watered down version of conduits.

Would have been much better if they spent the development time on refining the talent trees. There are a number of talents that have Less than 1% utilization even when you consider all spectra of play(raid, pvp, mythics, world). Every class has those and it is shameful.

They already have an internal alpha which they’re using to rig up prototypes of the hero talents to test to see if they’re actually fun to play.

I think overall were coming into the next expansion in a better footing because outside of the hero talents: Blizzard isn’t needing to reinvent the wheel like in DF with needing to create entire new talent trees from scratch for every spec ingame.

Holy needs a revamp 100% for sure, but they also need to finish the Disc revamp. Disc has confusing as heck end tree talents that weren’t adjusted to take in account how the spec plays after 10.2.

I’d rather they get it right with hero talents the first time because in the DF beta the Priest/Druid dev quit and we didn’t get our launch talents until 2 months after the original alpha preview.

After seeing the “Holy revamp” of 10.2.6, I would prefer if the individual that did that never be allowed to touch the disc or shadow trees.

At first I though it might be an Early April Fool’s, but at this point I think the dev that did it is just vengeful that we did not love their Trashacle hero tree. I feel bad for my Holy brethren.

Quick note to the Dev: -7% global, -2-3% from pulling the renew node, and then just randomly shuffling the talents in the bottom third is not a revamp. Grade: F. Try harder next time.