- Vulpera
- Zul’Farrak Sand Trolls
- The Tol’vir
- The Jawas from planet Tatooine, they a rat-like when unmasked.
- Klingtons from the world of Qo’noS.
All, except for the last option for I know nothing of them.
I didn’t care much for the Tol’vir until I saw the Tol’vir girl on Hearthstone.
The Redguards
I’m feeling triggered…
Personally, for my favorite desert-dweller, I am going with the Charybdis monster from Star Wars.
Trolls are my favorite for sure. General Jakra’zet was my boi and I love everything about all trolls, forest trolls, darkspear, frost, zandalari, sand, all trolls I love em all
The Arakeen probably.
Give you a hint as to mine look at my avatar that is my favorite.
Fur the Horde
Since when is an M-class planet a desert one?
But I love the sand trolls too. Can’t wait to get their skin color option they teased at blizzcon.
I feel like dwarves could be added to this list. We often are found living in desert like zones such as searing gorge, burning steppes, and the badlands. The hotter the better! Lol
Also, centaur!
…you know what, forget it. If they can’t decide what they want to be called, I’m done with them.