What is your favorite Mage Tower Challenge appearance?


I would like to know what is your favorite skin.
Please vote here


Thank you!!

I only did the Disc Priest one with the worms

All my alts were undergeared to do thiers lol

I only did SV Hunter. My answer is too biased.

Druid (specifically sparklekitty and werebear) are the obvious picks.

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My twin rapiers. Outlaw is my main rogue spec solely because of how sweet they look.

Really? I always thought subdltey had the better mage tower mog

I like the Brewmaster weapon a lot. It’s really the only mage tower skin I use on all my toons. The rest of them I use the WoD challenge mode weapon skins.

I think it’s a tie between feral druid and resto druid, for me. I just wasn’t geared enough to get them at the time unfortunately.

I like both the Brewmaster and Mistweaver skins. The WW looks nice too, but I use invisible fists as my WW mog always.

I need to do some RBGs to unlock those tints, for several toons, but definitely this one and the druid.

none of them lmao Yes, I am still incredibly bitter that i never got even one, especially on my main druid.

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Unholy Dk, or survival hunter

The Guardian Druid one!

It was one of the few Mage Tower appearances that I actually obtained, (Guardian, Feral, and Balance Druid appearances were the only ones I got) and it was also the one that took me the longest to get. But once I finally got it after my several attempts, I was so damn happy lol.

Also, for those who don’t know! The Guardian Druid bear will finally be getting a unique dance in 8.3!


I have mild regrets that I didn’t get 'roid bear for my druid, but I was much more concerned with getting my monks their Chinese lantern staff and Xuen-themed fist weapons.

Seriously though, Druids won out on the MT skins.
Assassin rogues and outlaw knocked it out as well.
Oh, and prot pally.
…and Afflic Lock

I always mog Knaifu if I happen to be using a 1her. I’m still mad about the silly spec restrictions, or I’d be using some of the holy appearances in shadow spec. Namely that one that’s a void naaru on a stick.

But yeah, I’m glad I got the druid ones I wanted. Swolbear is pretty fantastic.

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Prot Paladin because it is the only flail in the game. I just wish it didn’t clip through the ground. :frowning:

Prot pally is awesome but holy crap.

So. Overtuned…

Sparkle kitty (blue) and The Incredible Hulk Bear

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  1. Brewmaster Monk
  2. Affliction Warlock
  3. Hulk Bear
  4. Resto Druid

I didn’t accomplish much in Legion besides doing the Mage Tower on all my alts. I don’t really regret that though, plus all the class hall campaigns were really fun and immersive.

My favorite mage tower appearances?

  • Guardian druid - kicking myself for not getting this.
  • Sparkle kitty feral druid - looks great. I did get this.
  • Frost mage crystal staff - one of the best looking staves.