What is your favorite era of WoW and why?

TBC and BFA were both S-Tier eras for me.


I liked vanilla prior to the pre-Burning Crusade patch. I also liked Legion a lot a few patches in (that was the last time WoW actually felt like WoW, my opinion YMMV). After that, it’s probably TBC, WOTLK, and … whatever else… in that order (I haven’t really liked or have just felt “meh” about a lot of the expansions, honestly)

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That’s why I don’t play retail as much. M+ wasn’t bad at first, but they pushed it way too hard, and I don’t like how the gearing process focused on timed dungeons rather than raids. If anything, they could have kept Challenge Mode dungeons and put epic transmogs sets or weapons on them.

It’s all good though. Some people do like it, I just don’t. But that’s why we have Classic. Really thankful to Blizz that they gave us the older versions :slight_smile:

I started playing in October of 2006, right after “Make love not Warcraft” aired.

BC was my fav, had friends and a cool guild.

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No, they were, and no, they didn’t “nuke” them out of a lack of scalability. But feel free to pull up whatever information you have to prove me wrong.

How you’re using it proves you don’t. You’re simply trying to sound intelligent. It’s not working.

Playing Classic proves nothing of the sort. You’d have to apply those old trees to an expansion post-WotLK.

Sure you are.

Probably MoP.

I think that MoP was a golden middle of WoW lifetime where it smoothed out all the roughness of vanilla, but mechanics haven’t gotten too complex yet, and the game was still buzzling with all kinds players of all skill levels, it wasn’t as sweaty yet.

Reward systems made sense. There was none of that scaling M+ nonesense and tryharding for mythic gear. Most people would run around in normal/heroic raid gear and mythic gear was god tier, because you couldn’t raid mythic cross-realm. And that made lower item levels more relevant as well.

Leveling was still not scaled. Weapon damage for melee wasn’t normalized as well. So you could actually feel the power when you got your upgrade in those leveling dungeons, or PvP.

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Content that I like to play over and over again would probably be classic zones

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