What is your favorite era of WoW and why?

WotLK, was a big fan of WCIII, especially the Frozen Throne expansion.

Honorable mention to TBC n MoP.

WoD had potential, but fell a bit short as we all saw.

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WOTLK was the best !!!

I did also really enjoy dragon flight…

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Harder open world, easier raids. It’s definitely my sweet spot.

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Legion was by far the best era.

Alas the top players cried and we now have their perfect sterilized game.

Sad orc.

This is well said.

Original vanilla was probably my number 1. There was no flying, getting around felt like an adventure**. world PVP actually happened for fun. Vanilla AV was a total blast. We did dungeons and were not so hyper-focused on what classes we brought.

**This will be hard for anyone who started WoW when flying was a thing to understand. This isn’t a slam against them.


I would say it was MOP. As much as I love Wrath and it’s my favorite expansion, MOP was when I was settled in and doing the most content - raiding normal and heroic, ranked PVP, and leveling alts. Plus, Pandaren are easily one of my favorite races in the game and the art of Pandaria was phenomenal.

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Mop…timeless isle, the legendary cloak grind.

Wpvp was at its peak and all of my friends were in the same guild battling dragon knight for server supremacy over the isle :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Isle of giants was also fun because it felt dangerous yet rewarding

Garrosh was also a fun character

I’ll definitely be playing MOP Classic this summer

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  • Collectively the best set of raids of any expansion, and two of them are some of if not the best they have ever made (Ulduar and Icecrown Citadel)
  • Story was fantastic. Killing the Lich king the first time was SUPER satisfying. Havent felt that level of satisfaction from a boss kill since (I don’t think)
  • Best guild I was ever a part of was during that expansion (Eventually US-Spirestone).
  • Most geared I have ever been in all the years I have played. Full 25H Icecrown gear (all BiS) except for 4 slots that were second BiS pieces.
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Vanilla, Wrath, and Legion

Vanilla was the original experience and not endgame focused for most of it. Leveling up was a whole entire game that didn’t have that rush mentality built in yet. We were all naive and (mostly) not using external tools to figure out the whole game for us, optimize everything, etc. Once in a generation period in gaming overall.

WOTLK was the pinnacle of the classic era. Perfected the original formula and resolved a longstanding storyline.

Legion was just about fun. Exploring OP abilities, class halls, and gul’dan was just awesome.

When i played a Flavor of the Month Class.

Vanilla- Warrior
Wrath - Death Knight
BFA (Horrific Vision/Corruption) - BM Hunter

On Vanilla and Wrath, i was a pioneer and tour guide for newcomers. Was tanking with free carry. Was addicted to WoW.

On BFA, I was already Casual but BM Hunter, the most mobile Class finally got a Game mechanics where they would excel … that’s when with max’d out Corruption. Imagine doing Raid or Dungeon mechanics and something else is also trying to kill you and only you could see them. Your healer is watching you dodging something but he cant see them.

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Vanilla-WOTLK for me. A ton of my friends played during that time, along with a bunch of their friends so I found myself in a huge social circle. My guild was popping at the time too. The games player base was huge back then and with me being a tank I’d get hit up almost immediately upon logging in to run something with a group. It was hands down the most fun I’ve had in the game. I miss those days and the people. Sadly only around 5 of them still play. I still have fun now of course, it’s why I still play, but the game’s a lot less social.

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Nice :slight_smile:

I wish I could have spent more time on Wrath Classic. I had a lot of health problems at the time and had to stop playing. It was a fun expansion though.

I started back at Cata launch, so I never got to experience the glory days. But even during Cata, people were still very social. And even Classic Vanilla still has a good community on it. I would say that it’s not just WoW though, it’s the internet in general. Times have changed and so have people. I remember playing Runescape back in 2005. It was my first MMO, and back then, everyone played to have fun. Most people didn’t care about min/maxing as much. Don’t get me wrong, there was still pure accounts for PK’ing, but generally it was more social. I miss those days as well :\

Same. It was different. I still have the old mindset, I miss it being the nooby, clueless, fun loving, hearty majority :slight_smile:

Happy I experienced it tho. For that reason vanilla will always be the best time for me, as much as I’ve enjoyed expansions later.


Most people will say it was the time they started playing, nostalgia thing.

I started in Wrath but absolutely no lifed Cata though, actually I also no lifed Wrath.

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OG Vanilla. I had so much fun, and it was at a time in my life when I had a toddler and a deployed husband. Evenings playing WoW with other adults was huge at that time, and it sort of imprinted as a comfortable place to escape from stress.

I got to talk to someone over the age of three.
I got to play a really fun-but-not-super-demanding video game.
It was intense immersion in a fantasy world for several hours at night after my kid was asleep, so I could forget about all the things I worried over for a while.

Also, Vanilla WoW was just plain fun.

Now, all these many years later, I would say my favorite WoW era is generally the current one. I truly enjoy playing the game with my guildies (many of whom are people I met back at the beginning). Whether that’s TWW or Anniversary Classic Era…or whatever comes next, that will be my favorite.

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BC thru MoP because those were my social years and I raided and did lots of group stuff. After MoP, everyone I knew and played with got older, priorities changed, and they all had kids n stuff and stopped playing. Not even QoL changes have brought anyone I know back.

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That was when the social aspects of the game were at their peak.


Nostalgia wise TBC - early cata because most my irl friends played. Everyone I knew left before MoP came out so I did as well. Legion got me to come back and was by far was the most fun I’ve had in wow.

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BC/Wrath after that it just went downhill, Cata destroyed too much of the old world and altered some of the best stuff and quests. then MOP just took a giant dump on the whole thing.

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Now wait just a minute here…

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