What is your most favorite mount you ever got from farming , the shop , cheevs , pvp , etc ?
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this one is mine ! I was so happy I was able to get it ! I loved the mountain area in stormheim with these pretty dragons all over it !! I had hoped one day they would make it a mount and BFA came and they did .
Source : https://www.wowhead.com/item=166467/island-thunderscale
p.s. For my favorite? It’s a tie between these four: Invincible, Jeweled Onyx Panther, Grove Defiler and Grove Warden.
Simple… the corehound from running molten core during a special anniversary timewalking event in WoD days. Sadly… they went ahead and made a green copy muddling my enjoyment and now a sulfur variant is coming V_V So my favorite has been bouncing around a lot since then. I like the arcane cat mount from the store but I do still say I enjoy the tiger mount Monks got in Legion a fair bit. The gem cats JC make from Mists are neat too and I got my full set which is nice to cross off my list. I’d still love to get that mech mount from mythic archimonde Hellfire Citadel but that one can wait… I mean as far as mech mounts go I wish BFA raids weren’t so stupid right now so i could farm the one Gallywix had built or the gold on hand to buy a lightforged mech. Now the mount I’m most proud of is my mechano chopper as I made that from scratch back in wrath when the parts were expensive and hard to get… unlike now when a blingtron has such a high chance to toss the mount at you for free.
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Goldenmane and Court Sinrunner are my fave ground mounts. Vicious War Fox followed closely behind. Time-lost Proto-drake is my fave flying mount. Renewed Proto-drake is my fave dragonriding mount, as I made it look like TLPD.
With this Lock my favorite is
Very fine choice, OP. I love that model. I have the one from the rep cache, but still don’t have the island one unfortunately.
My favourite though is absolutely the Uncorrupted Voidwing. Looks amazing in its own right. But I also just love the level of detail they went to with it. If you look in its mouth you see they actually made it so the tongue hangs over the top of the bit. It doesn’t clip through! Weird detail to obsess over probably, but it just feels like an indicator of a dev taking serious care with that thing.
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Of the mounts I have, it’d be these two:
Sadly the first one has a hole in its front foot, its back foot breaks in half when it jumps and when used as a ground mount it has a bug where after jumping it jerks back up into the air. Sucks they haven’t fixed any of those bugs, hoping the feet will at least be fixed when they add dragonriding to it.
Depends on my character which mounts I use. For ease in seeing where I’m going I tend to use smaller mounts, cats, wolves, horses, especially cats and horses when flying. Use Blanchy or Invincible on a lot of alts, or the black Voltron cat. Use the Heavenly Onyx Cloud Serpent a lot now on many alts because it’s my favorite MoP mount and I finally got it months ago thanks to the better chances. Most of my alts have themes though so very few of them use the same mount when I’m on with them, and I have so many it’s hard to pick a favorite, lol.
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The island thunderscale is one of mine too! I wanted it the moment I saw it.
I grinded my heart out of those island expeditions for it too, when it finally dropped I think i cried hehe <3
It depends on the character i’m on but some of my top fav mounts are:
- Infinite timereaver
- Invincible
- Sinrunner Blanchy
- Midnight (newer one)
- Swift zhevra
- Lucid nightmare
- Fallen charger
- Grove defiiler
- Uncorrupted voidwing
And 2 that I absolutely love and adore but sadly don’t have are:
- Love rocket (whatever it’s called now. x something something? The love is in the air pink rocket xD)
- Tyraels charger
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i want to add in that my second favorite mount is
Bone white -primal raptor ! Because it matches my hunters trex ! i still am trying to get some other raptors and triceratops ones from panda island . one day i would hope blizz makes a trex mount .
my fave rare mounts i have is
- Invincible
- Infinite timereaver
- Ashes
- Lucid nightmare
- Shimmermist runner
- magenta cloud serpent
- primal flamesaber
- riddlers mind worm
- sinfall gravewing
- spirit of echro
- twilight drake ( was the first moutn i ever got from a mog run )
- Tyraels charger
- onyxian drake
- luminous starseeker
- celestial steed
- azure cloud serpent
*arcanists manasaber
- amalgam of rage
there might b a few others ive missed but yeah !
My best two mounts that I ever wanted I have…The Love Rocket
and the Magic Rooster Egg mount
, I consider them the best two mounts in game.
Fav mount - undercity bat.
Missed getting it by a few days…rip. hope it comes back, even in a differnt colour
Fav mount i got - Slime serpent, antoran charhound or feelsteel annihilatior
Serpent is cool and fits tho doors. Charhoind and feelsteel get stuck in doors
Fav mount i want - sso scorpion (stopped farming for it. To long of a raid. Will do when they make the skip.)
Shackled ur’zul (argus m mount) - its so ugly and i love it. Will be my go to mount IF IT EVER DROPS FOR ME, lol
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This reminds me that I need to finish up my Legion raid meta achievement. I wants that moose.
For my fav mounts, I use gryphons, wyverns, and hippogryphs.
Brewfest kodo baaaybeeee.
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The one I use the most that isn’t dragon riding is the dark moon blimp thing
It fits a goblin
Swift Zulian Tiger. I farmed my little heart out for that thing. I remember I was farming it for the very last week the raid would drop it, so it was now or never. My friend joined me to make it a little easier (both hunters), it ended up dropping and he passed on it and let me have it.
For my flying mount I’d have to say TLPD. I farmed for that off and on since Wrath and I finally got it in BFA. Rolled a toon on an RP server to avoid heavy competition and when my notification went off for it I about had a heart attack. ![:slight_smile: :slight_smile:](https://d38bqls1q93fod.cloudfront.net/en/wow/images/emoji/twitter/slight_smile.png?v=12)
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