What is you pc for wow?

Eh. People on this forum aren’t mid-range.

A GTX 1060 or RX 580 is mid-range. Its 1080p/60/solid territory. Thats the midrange

What the average schlub needs to get great frames on his schlub monitor, etc.

The 1160 (and possibly 2060 as well) are around the corner here, and AMD supposedly has some new paper launches (with likely spring/early summer actual launches) that are also solidly mid-range in price and good performance coming up.

And RAM is WAY down. Its back to being about 100$/16GB from the nearly 200$ it was just a few months ago.

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I get you, but a year ago people were losing their minds over the $100 difference between the 8700k and R5 1600x like it was highway robbery, and yet were willing to dump $450 on a 1070 or $700 in a 1080 ti and entertain the idea of buying the 20-series.

At some point you should think that this initial cost is just a drop in the bucket versus the continued cost of new GPUs

I can mostly agree with that. The 9900K has its place as the “best” gaming chip with some lower-end HEDT performance on the table, but it’s not exactly the best of either world. People wanting the game performance would be better off with an 8700K or 9700K, and people wanting the multi-threaded performance would be better served on HEDT.

Despite owning a 9900K myself and being very satisfied with it, I definitely would not recommend this chip to many people at all. It’s a hard sell, especially at the price being asked for it. Most people will be better off with Ryzen, and enthusiast gamers that really want that extra bit of performance don’t need to go all the way up to a 9900K.

I only went with 9900K because I had an essentially unlimited budget and wanted “the best”. Most people aren’t going to need nor want to throw that kind of money at a computer for marginal, diminishing improvements.

Now you’ll be targeted for saying that :rofl:

But on point:

I and others been saying that this whole year and times it either gets countered by some old Skylake PC on Craigslist or some i5 non k chip in a OEM PC for like $300

Not naming who but sometimes it’s said because “Intel”

And this is respectful, you have a reason to get the best of the best because of the stuff you do you have said on the old forums (don’t remember what it was exactly)

As long as it’s not because you want to, but you need that extra computing power for your stuff then by all means go for it

Recommending AMD isn’t a problem for people that aren’t biased. Since you own stock in the company, however, it means you have an agenda and benefit directly from their growth. It doesn’t help when you almost solely recommend AMD with every post you make.

It’s a literal fact that AMD is just now beating 2600k’s in gaming. They still can’t beat a 4790k stock in most situations, definitely not OC’d. So if someone, not naming any names, were to recommend used Intel parts for gaming then that would be a good recommendation.

  1. It would be cheaper.
  2. It would perform better.

So I’m not really sure why you would criticize someone for stating a verifiable fact.

You’re actually saying out loud that it’s not okay for people to buy something they want, but don’t necessarily need? Didn’t you go from a $500 1800x and 370 board to a 2700x and 470 board a year later? Was that necessary? That wasn’t because you wanted to?

All of the present Ryzen chips are inferior to their Intel counterparts when not GPU limited by as much as 30-50%; this isn’t an issue right now because our GPUs aren’t capable of more at reasonable prices, but in 3 years this argument is going to come into play.

At present, even with the most powerful GPU available, the year-old 8700k still beats the nearest overclocked Ryzen by around 20-30%. So right now, Ryzen is already bottlenecking top-end GPUs

Give it one more generation, and this will be even more apparent with mid-range GPUs.

The 8700k might have cost an extra $100 more last year than the 2700x, but in the long run, you’d have saved yourself money.


Buying Ryzen is kind of like buying used tires. If you absolutely need a tire right now, and you can’t afford better (or if it’s going into your 3rd barely used vehicle) ,go for it.

But you’d have saved yourself money in the long run by just buying the new ones for your daily.

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Oh sure, my agenda is to make probably a tiny fraction of the gaming community all around the world, and then another tiny fraction of that of WoW players, trying to get AMD, all here right on these forums!

Meanwhile people are quitting WoW left and right so not sure who exactly I’m trying to persuade these days.

Meanwhile the actual benefits come from Epyc based cloud servers, something that’s not even in my control. Caught me red handed, darn

Ah yes, let’s recommended used parts, no warranty or anything to people here

Give them ram and a board with no path of upgrade if the said 4790k used was recommended. Cuz ddr3 and an old CPU socket

Then should they just pop within a year or two I guess we will just tell them, “that’s a darn shame”

Maybe the 100th time you will finally understand so I’ll explain it again

Ran an old FX 8350 build for WoW, then bought ryzen 1800x and x370 for WoW and windows, the FX 8350 build became a Linux only PC

Then a 2700x because of that sale was too hard to pass up back then, this allowed me to start replacing the FX PC to the 1800x and soon buy a cheap b350 board for it

Well the x370 broke and then decided to go for a x470 for the 2700x, then RMA the x370 for the upcoming 1800x Linux build. Now I have a ryzen PC with only Linux on it.

Goes great with my desk, you remember seeing that right? Linux on the 1440p monitor with the 2nd PC or a dual monitor setup for my windows PC with the 2700x

Now this part is new: the PSU I bought, originally the Linux ryzen build had an old PSU since 2010, like 500-600 watts or something. I knew it was going to pop any moment now so just to be safe than sorry, I needed to replace it soon. Well that titanium season PSU was there and bought it (but being sent back for a 850w due to seller mistake remember?).

So now my Linux PC has my old Corsair ax 860w, that I’m using right now to type this

Now hopefully you get it right (although I have doubts)

Or you can bicker like you always have.

So kagthul, mine and the others opinions about trying to save that extra $70 for the best in that other thread didn’t help did it

guess not, you still don’t understand.

Please explain the error in the rationale in the rest of post you quoted but omitted.

Well, you don’t go about hiding your bias. People that don’t even know you come to this forum and figure you out very quickly.

Yep, wow sucks now.

They’re taking a slight amount of market share. Good for them.

I happily recommend used Intel parts for gamers on a budget.

You can’t really criticize people using DDR3 because before Ryzen released in Feb 2017, the best an AMD user could buy was DDR3. It’s still fine to use to this day. I know this because 4790k’s are on DDR3 and they mop the floor in gaming vs any Ryzen product on the market.

Why are you assuming that used parts just “pop”? People use computers for very long periods of time. You must be treating your parts very badly if your stuff just randomly dies all the time.

So you wanted something, and you bought it. Cool.

Yes I do. It looked really good! Nice job!

Oh I remember. You’re welcome for catching that for you by the way.

If I ever get something wrong, it’s definitely not due to lack of trying. It’s not exactly easy to comprehend what you write most of the time. For real though, try proof reading man. My 15 year old step daughter sends text messages that are more coherent than stuff you post here.

What am I bickering about exactly? You’re the one that always tries to pop off every time someone recommends AMD, then tell them they’ll get ridiculed. Do you notice that they normally don’t? People treat you different due to how you behave here. Maybe you should just chill a little.

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I understand about Ryzen not faster than Intel I know that, but here’s how I see it

Maybe next gen ryzen at 5 GHz clock speed with 12 + cores might change that bottleneck (referring the clock speed not cores) we don’t know that

We also have upcoming pcie 4.0 support on next gen motherboards (which x570 is rumored to have) so perhaps this might change, which maybe next gen cards would be pcie 4.0

Wait and see, if you are right, great then you can predict the next winning numbers for the big jackpot on the powerball

If it’s not then let’s see then

But for the money Saving…

I still don’t see your point of trying to save that extra $70-$100

This means $70 has to be taken out of groceries? A bill? Kids lunch money?

Maybe someone with a $500 budget is saving $50 every paycheck

Maybe he’s Saving $50 every other paycheck

So starting January, let’s say someone is saving $50 a month because that’s all he can do

Well by October he should have his $500 saved up so he goes get that $500 PC build kagthul or someone recommended back in January

Well guess what… More likely those said parts are no longer that price, or perhaps something better has come out but now he can’t afford it because higher price.

Maybe ram prices have shot up

Maybe another mining trend has happened and now all gpus are back at $1500+ for best cards

So I guess he will have to wait even longer to save right?

i’m telling you right now that I chose to get an 8700k for an extra $100 a year ago than the Ryzen 7 1700. I knew that I would upgrade to a new GPU in 2018 or 2019, with the knowledge that even at that time, Ryzen was much slower when GPU limitations were removed, meaning it would respond better to a new GPU than the Ryzen at that time.

I was right. The 2080 ti benchmarks prove I was right. Ryzen+ or Zen 2 don’t matter one bit in that scenario. I could have saved myself $100 a year ago, only to have to spend another $500 next year if I wanted to take full advantage of the new GPUs coming out (replacing Ryzen 1 with Zen 2 CPU/mobo).

Spending the extra $100 last year was the right choice.

I mean, that’s more not buying into new technology off the bat than anything. Don’t know what 2080ti has anything to do with anything though, the people who are buying Ryzen for $$ purposes aren’t going to be buying 2080ti, they may not even BUY 20 series.

There was no DDR4 compatible boards for FX series because the memory controller on FX series can only read ddr3, its a complete waste of time for Asus and other brands to make said boards

Just like how a 4790k can’t run DDR4 so…

DDR4 support started when Skylake Intel chips were out so yeah they got it first…


You act like everyone is tech savvy in computers :rofl:

Then nobody would be coming to these forums asking why their PC is making sounds or if this said part is good to buy

And parts can pop or break at any time new or used, like my x370 board or more importantly, like your Corsair PSU when you had no idea you were overloading it and couldn’t figure out why :rofl:

Alright but that’s you, you had the choice to spend an extra $100 on a 8700k, don’t care how you save it but you did it, that’s great

But you can’t reflect your own personal income with others income, you don’t know how they are living and how they are spending on necessary things

Kagthuls post of his income at one point in the other thread proves it

Maybe your $100 of spending is different than mine

Me Saving that extra money on the titanium PSU I bought can go to my trip next month when I go to CES 2019, for example. That will be another story I would tell (though I doubt anyone would care)

I am fully aware that AMD was years late on bringing DDR4 to their customers.

No, I act like most people are capable of googling their computer related issues.
Just wanted to throw this in for your sake, it makes you seem really ignorant when you use emoji’s like that. From what I understand you are an adult. You should be capable of having a conversation without using a rofl smilie face.

I think you said something earlier about me not listening. This applies to you as well, because I explained numerous times exactly what happened to my system, and why. So when you purposefully say, again, that I “had no idea and couldn’t figure out why” then you are blatantly lying, just like you’re lying about the price you paid for your 1800x and Seasonic PSU.

Pot meet kettle

So then why did you come to the forums if you could have googled it yourself? I’m sure you didn’t need us to help you then

I came mostly to talk about it. It’s a partial hardware forum after all. Kind of the same reason you come here to brag about the cheap parts you buy that nobody cares about.

So you just wanted to talk about it but still asked the community what the problem was

But Google could have done that for you


I knew it was either the PSU or the board. Hence the reason I ordered two psu’s and sent the board off for RMA. You’re really reaching here. And again, you already know all of this because I posted it before. You just habitually lie for whatever reason. Just like the 8700k that you bought off ebay, oh wait, that you had someone buy for you out of state and mail to you, and your 1800x that you paid full price for but lied about, and the Seasonic PSU that you didn’t even know you got scammed on until I pointed it out to you, that you lied about the price.