What is wrong with the scailing?

I’m max level doing normal dungeons and scenarios, and I do no damage while low levels 3 shot everything? This feels awful.

After working with it on this character who hit 70 last Saturday, here are my thoughts on the scaling situation.

First thing is, Blizzard severely overestimated how much +stat power players would have on their cloaks leveling up and they made the bizarre decision to strip primary stat + stamina from most items. Those stats are gated behind getting rare or epic items, upgrading gems to have +stamina, and getting rings / trinkets / necklace to put +stamina gems into. So because of that, once you hit levels 60-70 there comes a point where your character is just underpowered. You don’t have the hit points and main stat points you’re supposed to have until you farm up your cloak, get rings and trinkets socketed with legendary gems, find rare and/or epic items and then upgrade their ilevels.

I went from 300k hp to now 700k after filling in my gear with ilevel 360 rares, gems, and jewelry. I finally feel “regularly powered”. But a quick glance at my priest on retail shows I’m still missing around 8,000 Intel here in Remix, so my actual spells and abilities aren’t hitting that hard, but my tinker gems do.

Which brings me to the second thing: so much of our power as players comes from tinker gems. When they pop off, they do a lot of damage, they can stun and cc mobs, and they can grant additional haste, crit, and healing. So the mobs were left scaled at ilevel 346 power because of those gems. But if you don’t have the “correct ones” or if they don’t proc, it becomes a “feels bad man” situation.

If Blizzard decides to do another Remix, (Wrath of the Lich King?), they should keep primary stat + stamina on all gear. What’s wrong with double dipping on those stats in a limited time “for fun and feel overpowered” game mode?

Nothing wrong with the scaling. You’re supposed to feel like a wet noodle against titanic overlords the instant you ding 70. It’s the intended playstyle.

it was implemented by the modern Blizzard team


When you run a dungeon with low levels who have legendary gems and powerful cloaks that power scale really shines. Was fun tanking entire packs of heroic mobs on my shaman while the tank died over and over.