What is Up with this Strafe Bug! (can't strafe)

Just got it today, so bad, I have reset all the settings and it didnt work.

Thank you!! Can confirm /camp fixed this for me. I was rebooting my damn pc to resolve this every time lol.

Any word on a fix for this from blizz? Seems to be related to dragonriding, last time it happened to me was after I dced while dragonriding. Logged in after dc and strafe keys didn’t work. Had to exit the game and re-launch for them to work again, probably the 3rd or 4th time it’s happened to me. Exiting the game seems to always fix it as long as you allow the full 20 seconds for your character to log out and don’t just relaunch immediately.

Had this twice. Work around right now:

Log out. Close wow. Close the Bliz launcher. Reopen everything. Should be good.

It’s VERY annoying.

Hey, all the good developers may be gone, but at least the ones left are sensitive to diversity, inclusion and equity!

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Hopefully they can add a cash shop item that fixes this.

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my character can do nothing but strafe at times - I think that community feast is messing things up for me though

It comes from a flubbup with the mechanics and Dragon Riding. That’s why getting back on your Dragon can fix it.

It makes for very frustrating gaemplay when you can’t use the Dragon to correct it like in an instance/BG. Worse than that for me is when you can’t turn the camera normally with A and D. Character will turn but camera won’t follow, extremely bad thing when PvP is going on.

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This JUST happened to me on my Evoker. Logged into another toon. and VIOLA! Bless you for posting this.

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Adding my experience here, just got zapped with it for the first time. Correlation isn’t causation, but I was in the water, tried to launch out with the drake and got DC’ed mid-jump animation into the air. Logged back in and had the bug. Exiting game didn’t help, resetting strafe bindings didn’t help, finally /camp and waiting out the 20 seconds worked after coming back in. May not be the only way, and it may just be because I logged in and out several times, but it did finally come back. If it happens again I’ll try the switch to another toon and back solution.

logging onto another character then logging back to your first character fixes it

I have that happen all the time and just button and keyboard mash to get the camera behaving again. It didn’t work with this, though.

[quote=“Justinium-scarlet-crusade, post:49, topic:1427772, full:true”]Character will turn but camera won’t follow, extremely bad thing when PvP is going on.

This is still going on and causing a lot of problems lost a match today be cause of this crap.

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Omfg I thought I was going crazy. This just happened to me and the only thing to fix it was logging onto another char and then logging back in to my main.

bro this strafe bug and the constant issue with camera facing both because of dragonriding are driving me nuts

i feel your pain

ditto the strafe is bad. and yeah works when you log into a new toon and back

Do a /reload. Works for me.

I am curious, does /dismount work ?

Just hold forward and the direction you want. I don’t think I’ve ever used the strafe keybinds ever.

This is still a problem and I am not even Dragonriding. In a dungeon and suddenly I can’t strafe anymore. Just spinning in circles.

Edit - Why was this just moved from the BUG forum to the General forum? Its a BUG or is this how the game it suppose to work now?

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