What is up with all

of these random disconnects? 8 in the last 10 minutes…Only WoW is doing this to me.

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You don’t have to say, but what area do you live in and what’s the weather doing?

That’ll affect your internet. It’s getting choppy where I live so I logged off.

Midwest…clears skies…60 degrees…WoW only game affected.

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Since the launch of the expansion, I’ve had seven nights where I had persistent DC’s and even when connected, significant lag, with sometimes seeing several seconds on both home and world latency.

It’s really hard to do a delve and properly interrupt things with lag like that and latency readings in the thousands of milliseconds.

But most nights, it’s been perfectly fine for me, like it always has been, with home and world server latencies in the 24-26ms range, and no DC’s.

It’s just weird how on some random nights, once or twice a week, things get unplayable and I just log off of WoW for the night and play something else, without any issues.

/moo :cow:

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If it’s an insta-DC the moment you take off (dragonflight), then it’s a common and super annoying issue that’s been going on for years, but seems to have gotten worse in TWW.

Is the launcher showing another update/download going on?

That’s what it was for me last time, about 5 days ago.

no download occurring…nothing insta happening…just random disconnects becoming much more frequent

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Idk then. That is odd.