I’ve gone back and forth from MG-A and WRA-H for years, ever since Cataclysm. I think the last time I was really active in the Horde RP scene was back in WoD. I’d like to come back, but the forums make it seem like it’s a monumental task to get invited to a guild.
I remember WRA-H always had a strong trend of orc clan RP guilds recruiting in the VoH, is this still a thing? It kind of mirrored the human nation guilds on MG-A, though that seems to have slowed down a lot too. I always found those types of guilds to be the easiest to approach and get involved in. (Literally any character or skill could make sense as to why you would help their RP cause or goal.)
The only thing I can see somewhat active on the forums are a lot of Tauren tribe guilds. Is this the new trend?
Tauren tribes have been an institution on Wyrmrest since the early days.
Orc Clan guilds kinda scattered to the winds post-Mists of Pandaria, for much the same reason Scarlet Crusade and Stormwind Guard guilds Blue-side inevitably end up fracturing apart. Bluntly, because a lot of people who join those types of guilds aren’t looking to roleplay, but rather just live out a power fantasy of actual beliefs.
VoH is a horrible place for RP these days, because it’s been flooded by inconsiderate OOC chatters. Be prepared to have to block up to a dozen people to enjoy RP’ing outside the Wyvern’s Tail.
The general trend is that every guild kinda has their own niche, because there’s not a huge branch of people to recruit from. Some guilds with race themes don’t even bother sticking to race-only because you can’t recruit people otherwise.
I would say a lot of advertising has shifted from the Forums to more discord hub based. Race only guilds are less common and are even rare due to the population size.
There are also horde and alliance guild faires as well.
In all seriousness I’ve been kind of wrapped up in a neutral RP space because some folks I know made an Aussie timezone guild that’s basically a militant arm of the Dragonscale Expedition.
However I’d agree with the aforementioned sentiment that race specific guilds, while not gone, are less of a thing.
There doesn’t seem to be a particular theme right now. Small rise in Dragon RP maybe but that makes sense given the context of the expansion. I guess we’ll see. For now, any concept goes if you’re ready to mingle.
Except Venthyr, do not listen to my trolling, everyone hates Shadowlands
I have seen fewer and fewer race restrictive guilds as time goes on. I do not want to say there are no Orc Clan guilds, but i cant recall any by name. As others suggested, poke around the guild faire and the forums.
I feel inclined to give a mention to the guild I participate in, the Blackheart Accord. Since cross-faction guilds/communities have been added, just about any being is able to join in terms of lore/RP. If you can explain it, it can happen for the most part- including “Alliance” races. Here is the link to their recent forums post if you wanted to look at it further.
On the WrA forum? Where? I only know of my own. There was Springmane Tribe a few months back but I haven’t seen any of them for a while now. I heard one was moving over from Classic but I am not sure when they are.
Haven’t seen one last very long. These days they try to start up but fizzle out quick. The last successful ones seemed to fall into drama with others and within at some point.
I remember being invited to the secretive cabal years ago where all the Horde regulars and a number of nice folks disappeared to over the years. That community is still going strong as far as I know.
I can’t speak to the larger Horde RP scene since I tend to live within one of those very specific niches mentioned by Kailarra (in that I primarily focus on Forsaken/undead RP). But I can say that most of my experiences RPing in the VoH have pretty much turned me away from city RP outside of the monthly Horde guild faire, which is a nice way to meet people in the community.
Other than attending events with a specific purpose, I just find the entire act of RPing in a busy city unappealing. Fighting the chat scroll, trying to remain IC while half of the people standing around are OOC, it’s just not how I like to spend my RP time. More power to those who enjoy it! But I’ve always preferred smaller, more tight-knit groups with more of a focus on developing characters and stories over a long period of time to walk-up RP in cities. Maybe that’s why I’m fine with race-specific guilds being very small and niche these days, because I’ll happily take an event of 3-4 invested players with developed characters over an event with 20+ people where the impact of an individual character’s contributions is much harder to see.
I am genuinely curious about what you mean by this though. Do you mean that it’s difficult to find a guild with an appealing concept? Or that the guilds you have seen advertise on the forums have unwieldy and/or lofty requirements for membership?
this is kinda part of why i went Alliance-- Duskwood’s walkup scene is smaller and more intimate, so the same people show up over time. attending the same events every week is also a great way to find people even without a guild. I’m in a guild, but we’re performance-oriented, so we only tend to get together when there’s a play.
For the record, I don’t think it’s bad that things are becoming niche. I also prefer smaller, development-focused RP settings. I just want to temper expectations; we’re not a huge server anymore. We probably don’t have the population for Everyone to have their own orc clan. You’ll probably have to join instead of build.