What is the update today for MOP Remix? No patch notes, seriously?

Vague and foreboding post they made on Twitter:

Timerunners, We hear you!

The team is currently focused on making level 70 gameplay more rewarding.

More details to come soon.

Ok, cool! 5-21-24 now, 11 AM EST… Log back in, no patch notes, no updates on any social media, nothing here… ? What did they change?

I mean, they had the big list of hotfixes they released over the last couple of days and said they are still working on it.


So in other words “We did literally nothing and remix is still broken! HAVE FUN”

Technically they just said soon

Nothing about how soon


I guess if you IGNORE the big list of changes that they already made, then yes…that could be how you see it, lol.


I think they just want to speak to the manager.


The changes you listed are completely irrelevant. The game mode is TOTALLY broken rofl. On my lvl 48 shaman, I could grab 6 mobs while questing and chain lightning them down in 5 seconds. Now im lvl 55, I grab 3 mobs, and they sponge up all my damage with updated gear, gems, metas… HOW!!! how does that make ANY SENSE?

You post that big wall of text and really think “Yeah, it’s better now” welp, I don’t see it that way.

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If they’re actually coming up with solutions to fix the problems they created, it’s going to take more than 24h. Maybe we get something before Friday.

Yeah, they really need to make low level characters less powerful. That’s a good observation.

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The amount of over dramatic man child whining is so freaking delicious. Yummy yummy salty tears yum yum.


The chances of them fixing the scaling issue, I feel, is next to impossible. It’s been a mess since they implemented it. From their wording as well they seem more focused on the reward structure rather than the scaling issue.


There probably are no ‘patch notes’ because nothing was changed. They’re still working on whatever their solution is planned to be.

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You do realize the developers go to sleep at night, right? 11 EST is 8 am for the devs.

They sleep for every issue that isn’t something that lets players get to the fun without the weeks long grind.

By the time blizz truly fixes remix, it’ll be the last day of the event.

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I mean, I’ve already noted Some drop changes.

If Blizzard provides updates, they seem to always come around 1:00pm EST in blue notes. Let’s see if anything pops up.

I’ve been thoroughly enjoying armory’ing the OP’s of posts like these. It’s always like 2/8 LFR and drastically low ilvl with no PvP or m+ experience. I guess it doesn’t really matter, but I like to pretend it does.

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There’s so much whining on the forums lately. It makes me wonder if you’re all the same sad spoiled rotten player that didn’t grow passed the age of eight because of some sort of psychological and emotional neglect. I have hugs for you. I promise, this is not the end of the world, though it may be the end of the World of Warcraft for you! Maybe that’s a good way to start your healing journey.

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Point out the timeframe in their message. I’ll help you: “Soon™.” Back to the ignore list.