What is the suggested horde race for momk going into dragonflight?

I know most races aren’t much better than others and if they are it’s marginal but I’m looking between orc and troll so I just was curious if anyone had a recommendation. that’s all. If so it would be very helpful. Thank you for any feedback I also heard that they nerfed the orc racial or rather they are giving everyone in dragon flight something similar or basically like the orc racial. I haven’t played orc before so I might be wrong on that but regardless any feedback would be greatly appreciated :slight_smile:

Also if there’s a recommended race that far out shines orcs And trolls then I’d be happy to hear any info on that. thank you very much!!

Tauren will always be a good option for classes that stack critical strike. The aoe stun is also really strong aoe stop in M+.


Racials really don’t matter, unless you plan to pvp, then maybe tauren or undead. I really love my ztroll (who started out as a troll, then went nightborne lol, but gift of paku is nice), but a lot of people prefer belf just for the animations (the purge is nice, too).

i have 3 monks on horde, undead main and leveling orc and belf atm, it all comes down to sounds, animations and cosmetics, i am not a fan of the undead armor with the twisted and skinny waste line anymore, this one is my main. i am loveing the gear look and the animations of the orc, i have personally never loved belf, play what looks and feels good.
Racials dont matter except in top 3 % of players in any content. although i do love will of forsaken and cannibalize.
With that said playing my zandi toons i do feel like i feel paku crit values, the blood fury from orc is something you can feel also. it def feels bad to get sick of a toon you love the class but hate the aesthetics off, ex: my darkspear troll i have mained since cata, just sick of looking at it, but i am also over mail armor lol



i do love my panda priest

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I second this!

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I recently changed mine from Undead to Highmountain. I love it! Looks awesome when you do the rising kick, just phenomenal animations. Orc was my second option but I’m going to give highmountain a try for a while and if I get bored orc is next.

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I’m a fan of Vulpera