I always wondered about that.
What class do they go well with from a min-maxing standpoint.
I always wondered about that.
What class do they go well with from a min-maxing standpoint.
That’s tough. Horde races have a lot of good PvE racials you can stack with certain classes. Like bloodfury, berserk, purging magic buffs on belf is good for melee classes.
Alliance has a lot of utility racials. Draenei get a pretty insignificant boost to main stats, and gift of the naaru is a small and ok-ish heal. Id say they make good healers.
Gonna go with theyre all the same. Their racials don’t show much class preference at all
Not sure about the basic Draenei but for Protection Pala/Warr the racial is a nice skill to use on CD when mobbing.
Basically you could say that they are nice for low self-heal classes, because they get gift of the naaru, but I strongly recommend against chosing a race/class for min/maxing purposes.
Anyone that has to ask on a forum is not dedicate/skilled/knowledgable enough to profit from that extra 1%, and I mean that with no disrespect, I am part of this group.
I imagine a Tanking spec. Having a HoT to use on yourself as an extra external is kinda handy. But other races still likely outperform. Also
We get a heal, and a small stat boost.
Pretty much anything is fine as a Draenei.
Gift of the Naruu certainly makes playing a Mage easier… granted the meager 20% over 5 seconds every 3 minutes is hardly noticeable…