What is the pres raid meta build?

Mastery<crit=vers<haste? ok

Blossom build with TA sending out echos, especially now that there are 5 echos.
We taking stasis again over dream flight so we can stasis TA’s echo’d VE into eternal combustion? or getting rid of blossom build and keeping dream flgiht? Keeping current meta focused on living flames and empowered spells with blossom and dream flight?

I’m puzzled. Im thinking going back to S1 play style with reversions being useful again and maybe ditching blossoms? or get rid of dream flight? Will there be mana issues?

Hard to gauge what will be the best play style and it may come down to how ever you want to play. I do miss the mass echo VE into EC for huge hps. We shall see what happens and im already thinking that it may not even be worth the effort since this expansion is practically over.