What is the point of having a flying mount if I can't fly everywhere?

People didn’t just complain People canceled their subscriptions

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[What is the point of having a flying mount if I can’t fly everywhere?]

What is the point of having a sports car, if cities have speed limits?

You’re right – you SHOULDN’T have a flying mount. Get rid of it!

I hope you find an MMO that “gives every player anything they want”.

WoW isn’t like that. You can wish and want and hope…doesn’t matter.

Come to think of it, NONE of the MMOs are like that. Sorry, Charlie.

I pay for this game and I wear armor. Why do I have to farm for my transmog sets??

Because it’s Blizzard’s game, and they make all of the rules. Just because they enable a certain feature, doesn’t mean we are entitled to use it wherever & whenever we want, without restrictions, and to be unlocked right away.

Let’s say you hit a certain level, and unlocked a skill (and/or had to purchase it from the class trainer, as it used to be)… that doesn’t mean you can use the skill for free, and at your whim. There’s going to be a cooldown timer, it’s going to cost mana, whatever else they need to balance the game. A lot of stuff you acquire in (or outside of) the game costs something.

I think it’s better that things have to be earned. But they went too far with disabling flying for 6+ months, IMO. That’s why we discuss and offer ideas, I guess.

Most of them look terrible flopping around on the ground.

See, I’m not totally against having to work and earn something. It just kind of made no sense to me that the devs took something away that was already there for years.

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You can, In all content, except Ashran, Isle of Thunder, Tol Barad, Ghostlands, Azuremyst and Bloodmyst Isle, TImeless Isle, Isle of Dino’s, Argus and (Currently) Zandalar and Kul Tiras. The latter two of which will be able to be flown in soon!

over 110 zones in game, and you can’t fly in maybe 15 of em. Not the end of the world.

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The current Lead Developer, Ion Hazzikostas, was(is) a member of the Elitist Jerks guild who made a website for how to play classes (like Icy Veins today).

Then he got hired by Blizzard and become an encounter designer.

He’s also a registered lawyer as that was his job prior to Blizzard.

So yeah, players have already become developers.

Also, there’s Alex Afrasabi who was a well known and irate player of earlier RPG games.

Indeed, there are more interesting ways to make it work in the game world than “grind X reps and enjoy treetop vistas”. Even when it was introduced areas like Skettis, parts of Shadowmoon and Nagrand were effectively locked behind flying. I skipped Blades Edge until I had it just because of the layout of the zone. They could get really creative with it.

I often prefer my ground mount but that’s just personal preference.

Awesome, but I’m obviously talking about players who aren’t devs right now.

They’ve taken many other things away too.

Because the devs decided they wanted to make this game Vanilla, eventhough they have Classic coming out. Same reason they’re finding a way to get rid of the water strider.

No flying should be relegated to Classic. Flying should be embraced and used to add more content and immersion in the current version.

These backwards steps are crap and need to stop.

Really? :joy::rofl::joy::rofl:
That explains things.
It’s early here in Ca., I can’t laugh too loud or I’ll wake the neighborhood.

Blizzard went on their crusade against flying because they want WoW to be like the 1000 other MMOs out there without flying. It’s the cool thing to do. Don’t expect them to change their minds any time soon.

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