What is the maximum acceptable latency?

Hello! What is the maximum acceptable latency? My latency is 230 - 260 ms untill I get group with US people and it jump to 450 ms

Less than 200. Ideally under 50ms though. Playing on wireless?

No, just servers for my counrty are chosen for GMT+1 but I live in GMT+8 and cannot raid there. So I wanted to try to play on Oceanic servers. They have good time zone for me but also high latency =(

3 inches of rubber

Same here, i play 200-300 average,
when i join US group it spikes up.
When a raid group gets near me i lag out.
its doable, just frustrating at times.
And expext rage from entitled US players with good internet.


What does that mean?

Winter is coming! then it spikes up to 250-600

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I have toons on us servers from NZ and I average about 250ms and I live rural

Iā€™m just interested how much ping reduce my dps