What is the incentive to being alliance?

I understand that a lot of people went Alliance because the perception is that the Alliance fight for good and battle the bad guys and win for what’s right. It’s a misconception but it’s a reality for many players.

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Well I was always horde. Then after years and years of that. At the end of WOD I was so tired of the rock and mud huts. I have always liked alliances aesthetics better.
So I made the swap. Created a guild. And made awesome friends in my guild. So I choose to stay because of them. I am a true horde at heart though. And I do miss it. I still have some alts on horde that I play every once in a while.

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More % rewarded in warmode, but if you want the best possible character you go horde.

I prefer the Alliance races and aesthetics, for the most part. Otherwise, while the story isn’t great for either faction, I really dislike the direction they took the Horde in.


I play both sides. I have to admit the alliance side has a slightly better story. Then there the random dungeons runs I like to do as a tank. Alliance placer keeps me on toes. It made me a better tank do to their let say unconvetual play style.

I like playing both sides. I actually like my human male paladin. I also like dwarves and night elves.

I mainly play horde because that’s where my wow home is.

Given recent events in BFA and Sylvanas… I don’t think there is much misconception there. Thrall’s Horde used to fight for peace and “good” which is subjective, but it was evident.


It is a misconception because I’m not Sylvanas. Sylvanas is not necessarily the Horde and what it stands for - she just happens to be in a position of power. The Banshee Queen may be doing evil things but the Horde is not evil. Not to defend her but we don’t actually know why Sylvanas decided to burn down the world tree; we just know that she burned down the world tree full of innocent people and that, at face value, is enough to label her as a cartoon-like villain who does evil for the sake of evil. The thing is, Sylvanas is a complex character, who’s been around since day 1 - there MUST be more to it than what we’ve all seen and understood.


Horses. For me the horses and rams were amazing.

10 outta 10 good boi mounts.



That’s why a lot of people say the Horde is divided. There are players who outright support everything Sylvanas has done, there are others who side with Saurfang.

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Sparkles, sunshine, rainbows, and…
Oh, that’s Silvermoon, nevermind.

When I first started playing I made an orc because my friend, who started a little before me, already had a night elf and wanted to try Horde. As he started playing less and less, eventually stopping all together, Thorland became my main. I kept to Alliance mostly because that’s where my friends were. My guild, while not very active, still had people on quite regularly so there were people to talk to. So at first it was about being around friends, but now it’s more my investment in all my Alliance characters.

That is always a good reason. :smiley:

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Dwarves are the incentive for me


Subjective - thing is I went horde … cause of ‘‘friends’’ … I guess I can call the two people friends. Anyways, it was my first official step into WoW and I was always for Alliance, … I just genuinely enjoyed most of the things on Alliance than I did on Horde.

Two years later, I never really played with them, I was stuck on a server where I can’t really make Gold past some crafted Legendaries in Legion and now I’ve mostly gone out to Alliance with a lot of alts stuck on that horde server.

I don’t care if there is an ‘‘edge’’ on PVP and PVE as Horde. I do what is fun for me. I’ve not made any friends and have mostly been solo with an aspiration to do group content in a Guild, to have ‘‘fun’’…

I went Alliance 'cause I genuinely like it. Being Horde was a sunk cost but I can’t regret everything there since I did meet someone in game that was quitting and ‘paid it forward’ as he put it. All the things he gave me ingame helped me going forward. Lucky me I guess but that’s the only good thing that came out of being on the server as Horde.


Because I like them more. The lore, races, overall atmosphere and everything are more interesting and appealing to me than the Horde. I do still like the Horde and play on it too, but I much prefer the Alliance.

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Alliance feels less disjointed to me as an entity. I just don’t really believe some of the members of the Horde would really work together even to avoid their extinction.


Alliance is where all the good pet battlers and roleplayers are, those are the only incentives I can think of for playing Alliance.

You need more incentive than seeing the other side of the story and playing different races?

What do you want free gear? Guaranteed wins? Then what would the incentive be to play horde?

Lower queue times, more honor, WAY WAY easier to make money as less competition and also you can get into top guilds pretty easily due to shortage of qualified people.

Simple. The Alliance have Werewolves.