Topic. I just wanted to know what the Horde is like. Thinking about a faction change.
Lightbringer horde is dead. There is one Horde guild called Hard Knock Life or something.
While I don’t disagree that there’s a HUGE faction imbalance between Alliance and Horde and that it’s an uphill battle, there are three Horde guilds of note.
Raider io - the-eternal-palace/faction-realm-rankings/us/lightbringer/heroic/horde/0#content
While I’ve only had a little contact with Legal Tender, in past tiers this expansion they’ve had a bit of Mythic progress. My understanding from brief conversations with their leadership is they’re a large, somewhat restricted “all-comers” progression-focused guild.
Malicious is a semi-casual guild, also all-comers with a team-oriented and helpful focus.
Dark Therapy, my guild, is a small progression-focused guild, not all-comers, working to position ourselves for Mythic before it opens regionally.
Establishing and maintaining ourselves in this recruitment atmosphere is a challenge for sure, but it’s also a unique experience and opportunity. If you’re interested in joining Dark Therapy to see what it’s like, I’m more than happy to have a chat to discuss. I can also help you get in touch with the other two guilds as well, if their cultures seem like a better fit.
I run a not-too-big guild on LB. ForTheScourge. Randomly you’ll see a ‘Happyfish’ chatting around the same time every night on trade chat, but he’s not one of my guildies. All in all, it’s not dead, just not lively (and much harder to tell with all the bodies in Orgrimmar.)