What is the highest level you could achieve on a Classic PVP realm without flagging for PVP?

So I thought of this due to the thread asking for Hardcore PVP servers. Which I kind of joked if you aren’t on the majority faction the only way to level would be avoid contested zones as much as possible. That got me thinking though is it even possible to get to max level without ever flagging for PVP?

So to break it down you’d have the following:

On Alliance. This gives you the options of Dun Morogh, Elwynn Forest, Teldrassil, Loch Modan, Westfall, & Darkshore. It also gives you access to the dungeons Deadmines, Stockades & Gnomeregan

On Horde. This gives you the options of Tirisfal Glades, Durotar, Mulgore, Silverpine Forest & Barrens. It also gives you access to the dungeons of Ragefire Chasm, Wailing Caverns, Razorfen Kraul, Razorfen Downs, Shadowfang Keep & Scarlet Monastery.

Right off the bat horde can definitely get to the higher level here as SM’s final boss is level 42 (Amnennar in RFD is only 41) while Thermaplugg in Gnomer is only level 34.

Based on this information and what levels mobs turn grey Horde could reliably level to 53 while Alliance could get to 42. Also grey quests will still give xp (just not alot) when turned in. So you could save all the quests in all these zones until there was no more xp to gain from mob grinding. There are also a few quests that wouldn’t normally be possible (such as donation of Runecloth as none of these mobs drop runecloth) but would be possible with using the AH obviously.

As far as I can tell it is not possible to go all the way to 60 without entering a contested zone but I am curious if anyone can think of things I am forgetting. Would be an interesting challenge for PVP servers.