Wow seriously? Getting offended by everything right? Some random kids in game trolling people and you find it disturbing because you where that random person on internet. Surprised you didn’t cried yourself to sleep.
Get over it. Bock the person that is annoying to you and get on with your gameplay.
P.S don’t share with strangers anything related to you. Name , gender whatever. They less you share on internet or in game the more peaceful gameplay you will have
“But The Hearts Of Men Are Easily Corrupted.”
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I got one of those once and I replied with “wow! Sucks to be me!” And they kept going with their story lol
The point wasn’t about being offended! I do block and move on with my gameplay. I was asking if the phrase meant something. If you don’t have an answer, then move on with your gameplay.
Here my answer to you what exactly it is. Some random kids trolling people online. Happened to me as well, with different message. People have nothing to do. Get worried if they send your personal information in whisper.
Ok lets see who it really is under the mask!
unveils Runescape!?!?
“Use well the days”.
Galadriel, to Aragorn.
Back in 'ought fourteen when we had the big quake here in the SF Bay Area I was sporting a thoroughly broken leg and all I could think of was “How the hell am I going to get out of here if the house collapses?”
fixed it. who cares if youre female.
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Don’t turn me into anything… unnatural! Please Master Gandalf sir!!!
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If that upsets you, then you really need to get off the internet.
And what the hell does that have to do with being a woman? Lmao
The ground shakes… You barely have time to react before feeling the ground beneath you collapse - sending you tumbling many feet into the pit below. You crash with a tremendous thud, not quite knocked out and barely lucid in the dark.
“rrrrrrrrrrRRRRRRRRRRRRRREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! (sniff sniff)”
-Cave troll
The ground just shook for me. Trolls took out every tree by my base.
That really hit the spot sums up a lot of today’s culture
maybe an addon needs an update or something and its not intentional. or maybe it is a group making rounds fishing for reactions for one of those U Tube thigz
Uber Hogger walks Azeroth.
Only 20,000 anima to start the count