What is the Earthen accent?!?!?

Welsh. That accent is delightful. So long as it’s done by actual Welsh voice actors I mean.


how about something refined, rather than the usual groundskeeper willie/fat bstrd that mainstream dwarves seem to be based on

it makes some sense that a cloistered, geographically static species would have less speech degradation

The only problem with this is that no explanation after will ever be able to top it.

Blizz devs nervously sweating after reading your comment.

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I haven’t heard it is there a link somewhere?

I’m 100% honest I wasn’t going to make an Earthen until I saw this.
Now I NEED to make one. I need it, lol



Only way to make that perfect is having Keith David voice Male Earthen in the absolutely most stereotypical Wisconsin Fargo accent there is.


It’s not.

Yes, we have ‘adopted’ a lot of words from other language but english, in of itself, can be traced back thru one line.

See: English Language on Wikipedia for details.

This would make sense because irish, scottish gaelic and welsh are all celtic languages.

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I hope blizzard reveals their voices in the next build

Im sorry the Soviet Bloc doesnt like our accent. Hows your spaceship, refugee?

I vote a good Liverpudlian accent to really confuse people.

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One thing i have noticed is that their written dialogue is not written with an accent like dwarves are

Personally, I’d love for them to onboard someone in their voice team who was proper Icelandic. If the goal here is that the Earthen races we encounter are having a bit of a disagreement with one another - then I would recommend one sound Icelandic, one sound Swedish, and the last sound Norwegian.

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By jinjo mate i think they will throw another prawn on the barbbie and make it an aussie accent…

Not a propper aussie accent mind you. The ammerican aussie accent

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They’ll all sound Italian. “Aye Benny, the champion/hero/Mall walker here has never had a bread sandwich!”

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I see your accent and raise you:

Neel Kolhatkar - Countries in High School on Youtube

A stoner drawl?

Hoping they all sound like Barney.

No, but if it’s anything like Dwarf than we know it’s English trying to sound vaguely Scottish.

Considering they are voiced by humans, yes. Orcs also sound like humans. So do Tauren. And Dracthyr. Et cetera.