What is the difference between Shadowlands and the Twisting Nether?

I’ve tried looking this up but I can’t seem to find an answer. There are quests in classic WoW where when someone dies it says they’ve gone to the Twisting Nether, are they just confused about people going to Shadowlands? What is the difference between the 2? The Twisting Nether exists between our universe and the void universe if I understand correctly, so where does Shadowlands exist?

Twisting Nether is Shadowlands for Demons.

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Twisting Nether is like a slow bungee cord for demons, they fall, go splat, bounce back up, and at a later time fall again fully alive. Another way to look at it is the Twisting Nether is the konami cheat code for demons, unless they die within the Twisting Nether it can’t pull them back into something when they are already inside of it.

In this quest (https://classic.wowhead.com/quest=686/a-kings-tribute) a dwarf has died in a battle, and King Magni Bronzebeard says:

I do not expect good dwarves like Mrs. Balloo to understand why the travesties of war must be endured for the greater good of our people. The loss of her husband, and the loss of every dwarf that fights in the name of the Alliance, weighs heavy on my soul.

While I cannot bring her husband back from the Twisting Nether, I can pay tribute to him.

Is he calling this woman’s husband a demon?

I have an aunt I’m sure is a demon.


That would be the vagaries of a constantly expanding lore set.


I have one of those too. Every time I suggest a holy water bath I get told to mind my own business.

Not to excuse the inconsistencies in lore…but it doesn’t seem like anyone knew exactly what happened after death before this expansion.

Maybe they believed everyone went to the twisting nether because they had no other information available?

I just note it as one of the inconsistencies of WoW in game lore.

Its more likely that some dev forgot about this quest, or how the afterlife would end up working.