What is the difference between a Flame Druid and a Shaman?

Leveling one of my alts through Hyjal, a question struck me:

Just what is the difference between a Flame Druid and a Shaman?

Is there a difference? Or is there just a labeling issue? Is it a Druid that is just multiclassing into Shaman as well?

Shamans are master of the elements, so it’s not just fire. A Flame Druid is more like an anti-druid. So while druids are all about growth and restoration under the guidance of Elune and An’she, a flame druid is more an agent of destruction working for Ragnaros and his old god masters.


For one, a Flame Druid retains the ability to shapeshift into multiple forms, even if they are distorted elementally.


Incidentally both Druids and Shaman can summon roots with the Shaman requiring the Earthgrab Totem while the Druids don’t need any totem.

Druids of the Flame can still summon roots from the ground even in the Firelands! Fiery burning ones yet roots none the less.

Basically the difference between a Shaman and a Druid of the Flame is that Shamans convince or force the elements to help them, which is an external powersource their using their bodies to control, while druids of the flame are imbued with fire magic. You know how highly powerful druids will have their body mutate do to the life energies in them? Well, it’s the same principle but with fire. The use Druidic Magics, but with the Element of Fire instead of Life

The latter is a follower of elements and a bridge to the spirit world, the former is a corrupted Druid who has become an agent of the Old Gods. under the tutelage of the corrupted ArchDruid Fandral Staghelm.

A druid controls the magic of the natural world. Plants, animals, weather, the sky…

A druid of the flame controls the magic of the natural world, as it appears in the Firelands. Firelands plants, Firelands animals, Firelands weather, Firelands sky… that all happen to be a lot more fiery than Azerothian versions of those things for obvious reasons.

Whereas a shaman just controls fire as a concept, along with wind water and earth as concepts. And some other stuff as concepts.

Shammies don’t force, it’s more like a mutual understanding between shaman and elemental spirits

Some of them do. Albeit, usually as antagonists (except the Taunka).


Druids have power.
Shamans have none. They require either the willing aid of elementals, or enslaved elementals to cast magic.

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Actually Ner’zhul is though to of as a shaman who commanded the Elements, not pleaded nor bargained with then. So you can get away with it if your shaman balls are brassy enough.