As I was working on an open RP prompt/invitation for the server when a question struck me, who runs the international mail now?
While obviously mundane mail services would still exist since Postmaster Malown proves that individual cities if not counties have or had a postal system, did the destruction of Dalaran cause irreparable damage to inter-continental mail system? While I’m not sure what the RP communities approach as a whole was to the Legion quest line involving the Dalaran Postmaster and office using portals, but with out a doubt have a single hub city of mages would be a godsend of a distribution center, while the prompt I’m working on very much could use a cities own mundane mail/courier system it did make me thinking about this.
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Probably nobody in particular, tbh, logically, there is (and probably always has been) private interests that will ship packages for a fee, like FedEx or UPS.
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There are at least a couple shipping company RP guilds I have seen around.
Like Saidanite said, I imagine there are many companies who would perform such services. This assumes you are not a mage who can send letters by more magical means, or someone who has trained messenger birds.
At least one mage tells you in a quest at some point that he made his entire library fly to him… like the books are just flapping like geese from one side of the content to the other. How nobody noticed a flock of books in the sky, we’ll never know…
But where there are mages, there’s a way.
Though this does make me think about the fact that there’s an awful lot of pretty advanced technology in this game, and yet somehow the idea of phones and light bulbs haven’t occurred to anyone yet.
The Blackwater Cartel (now independent from Steamwheedle Cartel) specializes in shipping, among security and transport work. Since they’ve already got an armada, I imagine the destruction of Dalaran (and thus, the previously-used postage system) along with their neutrality towards both Horde and Alliance led to them becoming the overnight #1 mail shippers now too.
There is always a way! Mages, Engineers, and all kinds of innovations! Shame that Dalaran is gone. (I think the staff were beginning to go crazy with how that sorting system worked Whew!) But we have places all over Azeroth, not just in Dalaran!
now if only they would listen to me about using smudgeless ink…