What is the cutest race?

What is the cutest playable race?

I originally thought Vulpera looked cute but then I saw some really badass tmogs on them and immediately my mind changed. Tauren are too big and muscular and I don’t find walking cows cute. Gnomes look like old small ladies/men. Goblins are fugly. Worgen males are cuter than the females but both of them remind me more of a werewolf than a domesticated dog. Dracthyr are too scaly for me and I don’t find reptiles cute.

My only other option would be Pandaren. Every single panda player I see, I want to give them a big hug. A big fat fur ball is the best definition for them. Even the most badass tmog looks cute on a Panda.

Female Goblin

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i am very cute :3

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Vulpera and it’s not even close. :dracthyr_uwu:


Pandas, close 2nd would be Vulpera for me


I like Worgen and Tauren :dracthyr_uwu:

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Gnomes. Specifically female Gnomes as the males look weird.

although, I’m cute as a button :stuck_out_tongue:
are buttons actually cute though?


You don’t look at a female goblin and be like “aww that’s adorable” quit lying.

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The hats in the way, let me see your adorable face

Few dwarves

What do you mean by “few”?

Dang auto correct. Fem dwarves*

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They look like Jarrzi Shawtiez

Female gnomes are adorable.

Dam can’t imagine having such a bad taste that u find goblin chicks cute.

<----- Right here folks…cough…um helloooooo…yeah totally cute.

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Female panda.