What is the Burning Legion up to?

Is it even the Burning Legion anymore now that Sargeras is being spanked by Illidan in Titan jail?

Did they all just become good guys like the Man’ari?

Maybe we should forgive them like Velen did with the Man’ari and get playable demons.

They’re out there worshipping Nomi since he’s the only one left to set things on fire


There’s no Burning Legion without Sargeras.

Demons are the cosmic embodiment of Disorder.

Without a big bad Titan, a God of Order, to force them to wear matching outfits, march together and work for a unified goal, you can’t have an army of Demons.

As of current:

Current status

With Sargeras imprisoned, Kil’jaeden and Archimonde dead, and some of the nathrezim returning to the Shadowlands, it is likely the surviving lords of the Legion will battle among themselves for supremacy to become Sargeras’s successor. Other demon lords may even defect from the Legion and craft their own organizations.

Much like the scourge. Mindlessly wandering around waiting on another Lich King, and titan baddie to lead them :crazy_face:

There is no Burning Legion anymore. Demons would never, EVER have worked together on anything if it hadn’t been for Sargeras. Furthermore, without Argus to speed up their resurrection in the Twisting Nether, demons are reforming way slower once slain. So yeah, demons? Definitely still around. The Burning Legion itself? Gone. Reduced to atoms.

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Idk, just bring on Legion classic already :popcorn: :beer:

They’re out there to occasionally be summoned by my diabolist demonology warlock

No, the Burning Legion dissolved with their leader gone. There may be smaller demonic factions, but no longer a cosmic army burning away all of creation.


If the situation on Argus (as of the draenei “seeing red” storyline) is any indication, the demons have split into a million warring factions as local warlords and strongmen clash in a bid to consolidate the remains of The Legion under their banner.

Basically we plundged The Legion and all the planets they control (which is like all of them) into galaxy-wide Max Max times.

Which isn’t a bad days work, if I’m honest.

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Nah, Legion Remix please :dracthyr_yay_animated:

I’d reckon it’s similar to the Scourge right now. Without central leadership the remaining leadership will fight amongst themselves to take the reins. But without Sargeras and the world soul of Argus they’re not a significant threat anymore.

They’re in time out by HR.