What is the better monk pvp class, Windwalker or Mistweaver?

Greetings WoW community. I am thinking about farming the elite monk set while I still can, but I’m not sure whether to go for healing or damage. I like them both, but I’m not sure which one to choose. Let me know which one would get me to 1800 faster.

If you have no previous experience on anything, play mistweaver. Faster queues means more reps so you git gud faster. Or if you’re already gud then you get to 1800 faster.

Absolutely watch a few guides beforehand, and particularly check out these mistweavers: Bankmw, Meepmonk, Mysticall

if you never abandon the mindset that you always could have done something better, especially after losses. if it’s always someone else’s fault, you’ll never improve beyond reaction speed and mechanically procedural comfort


hey, my advice still fits perfectly. If they’re gud then they can play DPS. All DPS are gud after all, amirite?

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amen brother, especially melee DPS. it’s your job as the healer to follow and keep them alive. how could it not be the healer’s fault if they die when someone on their team’s ENTIRE role is refilling health bars?

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Mistweaver is a better long term investment. Windwalker’s kit is lacking in tools to be a strong DPS in PvP (it has the lowest amount of hard CC in the game). As a healer you’ll have shorter queue times and you’ll always be in demand. Mistweaver is generally good most of the time and the recent changes made the class a lot more fun. Highly recommend Mistweaver over Windwalker.

Im going to get that set.