This is going to sound extremely stupid, but please bear with me. For as long as I’ve played this game, I button mash. It’s the only way I know to attack. I charge someone and play Through the Fire and Flames on my attack bar.
I watch videos online and it seems like people set up their attacks a certain way to they pan over and click them when they proc… but that seems impossible to do so calmly when you’re jumping around trying to hit the enemy player.
Button mashing works fine for PvE, but I want to get better at PvP. I like I don’t know what im doing, so Id like to know how does everyone else hit their attacks?
I downloaded addons that are suppose to show me what to press next but even holding my hand like that didn’t work. In my mind, mashing makes sense because as soon as the attack procs, you hit it
oh well.
Any help?
I stick pretty exclusively to PvE, so take that as you will.
Personally, I set up my keybinds in such a way that my “primary” abilities (things with short cds which I’m meant to be using whenever they’re available) are on my most neutral binds - for me that’s 1-4. I keep big cds and defensives accessible, but not where I might accidentally hit them when I don’t want them - on 8 through =. In between I have personal healing and interrupt/cc abilities.
I combine this setup with a rotation addon and literal years of practice so that hitting the correct abilities with the correct timing is almost second nature.
It sounds to me like what you’re experiencing is an ingrained habit that you’re having difficulty getting rid of. My recommendation would be to take one of the rotation addons that you downloaded, and head out to a raid training dummy. Sit on that dummy and only press the buttons corresponding to the ability the addon shows you. Take it slow, make sure you’re paying attention to which ability is being used. Read the tooltips for all of your abilities and try to remember how they interact with one another.
While you’re doing this, keep note of which abilities you’re being “told” to use more often, and which you’re not. Regroup your spells on your action bars so that you end up with a flow that makes sense to you.
Practice on the raid dummies for as long as you can stand to do so every day until you find yourself not tripping over yourself to hit the next glowy proc on your bars. Once you reach that point, you’ll have more or less rewritten your muscle memory to a more suitable rotation. You’ll also begin to be approaching the point where you can calmly hit your next ability while jumping around trying to hit your enemies.
Keep in mind, however, that the biggest difference between PvP and PvE is that in PvP, your rotation is going to be situational. You might not want to use an ability in PvE until a certain point, but in PvP it will have an effect that you need to cope with something completely different.
Thanks so much for clearing all of that up for me.
Tab. Q W E R T Y
A- str-left S-back D- str-right
Q= most best dps etc…
1 - ranged pull 2-Aoe
I use the key board turned to allow my right thumb to press enter. Holding mouse there.
’ is my mount and my left thumb hits space bar for jump.
Z X C V are used for fast,buff,buff,buff
This makes it sound like you are clicking your spells? If I’m wrong ignore me, but… Its better to key bind them. I think by default the main bar is bound 1-10 or something, but you can manage your own in settings>keybinds. You just have to find a set up that works for you.
Personally i sprung for an MMO mouse with a lot of side buttons. Lets me bind and press mostly with my thumb on the mouse and move with a combo of the keyboard and mouse. Makes it a bit easier to play, and with shift and alt binds I have something like 50 available spots to bind spells.
Here are some guides to setting up key binds…
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Everybody plays differently. I strafe with q and e and tab target. My w key is bound to auto run and I steer with my mouse. The main binds on my hot bar are 1- 5 shift 1- 5, I reserve certain binds across my account for certain types of abilities. Like x usually being for racial and A being for a mobility spell. I think what would help is reading up on simple rotations. Dps warriors are pretty straight forward and if you’re playing fury I can see why you might be prone to mashing but it’s important to find a rhythm and also learn when to use utility. Stuns interrupts etc. Practice makes perfect and especially if you want to get in to pvp I suggest you find a place where people are dueling and ask for some pointers on how to counter against certain classes/ get the most damage out of your own.
Good luck.