What is the best way to farm Marks of Honor?

In fact how? What level do my toons need to be? I’m hoping the answer isn’t BG’s and lvl 120.

You got it.


Do Epic BG’s give more?

Nope just a better chance at them if you lose, I think.

Only reason I’m doing this is because I don’t want to T-Mog farm BC anymore! Anyway, thank you very much.

You’re welcome. You’ll usually get 2-3 per chest so they’ll come pretty quickly.

Do rated arenas an rbgs u will get more Mark’s of honor

Just do a bunch of BGs on your Alliance character, you’ll have so many soon, you’ll be wondering what to even do with the things, I assure you.

I’m not sure if you have to win to get the chests, but I seem to get a ton of them no matter how badly I’m doing.

You get like one in a chest when you lose but that is random. The grind will be slow because Alliance sucks at PvP.


The BG weekly event last week was great for marks of honor. Sent all my 120s thru and they got to buy their Sinister gear crafting recipe upgrades. Each got like 23~25. Four BGs that they won (comp stomp was awesome) plus the quest rewards.

You can always use them to buy seals for bonus rolls.

Guess it’ll be a while til the next one but look on your calendar.


If you have a time machine go back to legion and do the WQs or even last week with the comp stomp brawl was good to get marks - picked up 50 last week.


Well your first mistake was rolling alliance for bg wins.

Just do instanced pvp you’ll be swimming in them in just a few weeks.

The PvP brawls and the weekly PvP quest can get you a dozen Marks for a transmog set in a couple of hours.

I do rated yolo RBG’s generally fun, and at this point i have so many marks that they just take up space in my bags, I buy a mog once in a blue moon but they are essentially pointless to me now, until more stuff comes out in the future.