What is the best pokemon?

I’m not talking about which is the best pokemon game. I’m asking what is the best Pokemon.

Depends on what you mean by “the best”.

The best competitively? I think Tyranitar has some of the highest usage in tournaments. Might’ve fallen behind in recent gens.

The best as in a personal favorite? Mine was always Blastoise. I wish I held on to my original copy of Pokemon Blue so I could’ve moved my best boy into Pokemon Home. Alas, dumb teenage brain thought it was too cool for Pokemon.

The answer to the question which pokemon is better is charizard.

Agreed! Charizard is also one of my favorite Pokémon. Was also one of the first Pokémon that I started out with when I got the original Pokémon games on the Gameboy.

Still actually got Pokémon Red, Blue, and Yellow editions. Along with the game boxes they came in. Really good condition too. I’m sure they are worth something by now.

Charizard is probably my favorite. Definitely proved it when I watched Pokémon 3: The Movie and he came to save Ash.

Nurglings are the best pokemon!

The greatest Pokémon? Arceus, the godlike creator of the Pokémon universe. With its unique ability, Multitype, Arceus can switch its type depending on the Plate or Z-Crystal it holds—truly the embodiment of adaptability.