What is the best class/spec for solo content?

Nightelf druids.

Speed of the cat, indoors.

Stealth to get past trash.

Flight form gathering.

Tank/DPS with lots of self healing.

Nightelf Vanish to dump aggro (great when you’re running through some raid with a bunch of random mobs, and one tags you, puts you in combat, and you can’t find it).

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The best for all content is Arcane Mage. Undead, specifically.

Once you master the use of one spell for all occasions, you will never go back.

As someone who loves Mogs, the only time I do not see my mog is in combat. Otherwise I see myself all the time.

BM hunter or Ret Paladin

I’d say dh but everyone hat…. Eh &?$@ it. Dh!!!

Monk or Druid, not because of the role trinity, but because they both have insane and consistent mobility options. Monk’s Roll/Chi Tornado is hands down the best movement ability in the game, Druid basically gets a free mount indoors and can assume any role as any spec at the drop of a hat.

DH and Shaman are good runners up, DH again for that mobility and Shaman for strong summon options.

The druids. Only class with four specs so all four roles. Movement speed is unmatched. Flight form is incredibly broken. Druids are just the best

My characters, in order:

MM Hunter (with turtle pet)
Ret Paladin
Dev Evoker (if I get crowd control right)
Enh Shaman (though fights take longer than with above)
Fire Mage (more fun than fury, but when burst damage runs out…)
Fury Warrior (with two pool noodles)

The last two are tied. The lack of healing with mage is a challenge. If this warrior wasn’t my original character, I wouldn’t bother with her.

Hunter has been my favorite class for delves and old raid content but I haven’t had a chance to level my monk yet.

Most of the harder stuff in SL you do the DPS spec on tanks to burn it down.

i.e. Jailer is a dps race to go 60->30% before he mind controls you (and a dps race to get to 60% before he one shots you).

Rygelon is a dps race to kill him before you run out of singularity portals and he one shots you.

Soulrender a dps race to kill him before grom perma fears.

Anduin a dps race to kill him before phase 2.

The sepulcher checks are still pretty challenging even at like 615-620 ilvl with full dps and drums.

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Which is honestly stupid that it’s still such a stringent DPS check.
Really irritating how their SL squish screwed everything up and then it became “This was our intention all along that you’d only be able to easily complete old content when it’s 2 - 3 expansions down the road, on the last patch of the expansion, in near BiS gear. Other than that, get a group of 10 people to do content that’s 2.5 years old and offers no power advantages! Yay engagement!!”

Totally not bitter about when soon as a character was 11+ levels higher than the content you wanted to go into being able to do it in questing greens.

BM Hunter is the best sol/casual class. Your pets can tank a little bit.

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With Demonology Warlock you’re never alone, and you have an army on call!

(you also have a lot of CC and Healthstones, that can make all the difference)

I find that Warlocks are phenomenal for solo content.

You have the DPS of a DPS class, plus a personal tank, plus a bunch of spells to heal yourself and that personal tank, plus Demonic Gateway and Demonic Circle for all your “I need to move quickly from point A to point B” needs, plus Soulburn Demonic Hearthstone, which is basically Lay on Hands but much better, plus you look good, plus you can summon Succubi for motivation.

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Blood dk
Ret pally
Bm hunter

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I feel like Brm monk is a very good option, since it’s practically invincible in world content. The dps is slow but you can tank every mob you need for the quest at one time and pulling is easy. Tons of mobility though maybe not as much as Prot warrior.

Furthermore, delves are a piece of cake on a BRM and it’s very forgiving.