What is the Best class for someone that wants to level up fast?

Best solo levelers are Hunter, Warlock, and Druid

mage, hunter and paladin are the three classes I would consider to be quick.

both mage and paladin will AoE things down to level quickly which takes a bit of practice but once you get it down it’ll be easy.

hunters just afk and let their pet kill everything (although remember to shoot it at least once, because you don’t get any credit if your pet solos it).

warrior can be alright once you are experienced with it but I would not recommend it because it can be frustrating.

I got this warrior to 60 in 9 days /played, which I think is pretty solid (I also spent a decent amount of time with professions and gold making).

If you like staring at a bears butt the majority of the time time you spend in game.

Fast is relative.

This is classic WoW. A good leveling time is like a week played. Don’t pick a class based off of how fast it levels. Pick a class that you will enjoy playing at max level as that is going to represent significantly more time in the scheme of things.

This Topic is not about Pvp.

i mean mage is the level up fast class.

but really if you level a class to 60 just because it levels fast doesn’t mean you’ll have fun at 60


All classes have potential to hit level 15-20 quickly due to the low levels of exp needed. Just kill everything you see while questing or not questing, using a fast attack speed weapon (1.4 or 1.3 speed or 1.5) or for casters wands work well.
My favorite way to level a warrior or even a druid is getting a fist weapon at 1.4 attack speed at lvl 10 and just killing everything with fast white hits and maybe a DoT spellcast every now and then. I dont even do quests sometimes between levels 1-20, just kills per hour.
At low levels, kills per hour is what matters. At higher levels Kills per Hour matters too, but questing helps offset the tedium of killing throngs of mobs 1 at a time.
Hunters, Warlocks, Mages usually level up fast at higher levels, and Druids.