What is the average game play time to unlock kul tirans

Just trying to figure out how long it’s going to take me to unlock kul tirans, Hunter unlock them before my game time runs out for payday as I think they are the best race to make a sumo wrestler

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i thank the Kul tirans have longest run to unlock I’m still working on it
lol :sweat_smile:

Okay so probably going to take more time than I have available and game so I’ll run out of game time for it’s done but seriously in a cold tearing brewmaster monk the perfect fit for a sumo wrestler of the available player races and classes

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It was a long process. I basically had to choose between a KT or a Zandalari. Got bored trying to do both.

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A few weeks back I decided I wanted to unlock both the Kul Tirans and the Dark Iron Dwarves just because the gray squares on the character creation screen were pissing me off and I started from zero on a fresh 120 alliance character and it took me a little over a week playing -+ 2 hours a day to unlock both. Of course it was faster due to the anniversary + weekly event bonus rep, but even now it shouldn’t take much longer than that, especially because the anniversary bonus rep is still up.

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So I’m going to assume that I can’t just buy a race change and change to erase I haven’t unlocked yet

Nope, have to unlock it first then you can race change.

And if your really want to get it done fast, stacking a bunch of rep buffs (WoW anniversary, Darkmoon faire, human racial, etc.) and just do all the Proudmoore Admiralty dailies every day while also laser focusing on doing all the quests after that. Questing isn’t rep gated anymore so it should only take a days worth of playtime to do, and the rep can be had in ~2-3 weeks of doing every daily and emissary that pops up.

General rule for almost all allied races are 2 weeks if you really rush it and tryhard, and about a month if you don’t, with a few exceptions. Kul Tiran will probably take you longer than too weeks by a bit even if you tryhard,

and Mah’gar orcs and potentially Dark iron dwarves will unlock in like a week and a half while barely trying.

they are the faction army reps so the easiest to get. Unless i had no choice when turtles and champions came up when fresh and new to bfa i did them in the foreign zone. Brought in the faction army rep decent as well as the say turtles.

Still do. Helps run up the paragons faster.

KT your catch will be dungeon. Same for dark iron. I being lazy looked for normal LFD. Ain’t none. No on seems to sign up just for this.

I am told you ahve to look for heroic or higher. all that means is spend some time getting geared up really if not there. For me its jsut the motivation to sign up and wait as DPS. Its not really there lol…