What is the actual reason for no maw intro skip?

I got the mount recently, went back and did it on my priest. Takes about 30 minutes with a mount, for about a level, level and a half of exp. Good deal.

So, assuming they let you mount up in 9.1, it’s not gonna be a big deal, imo.


Do you honestly think Blizz will be that nice and let alts mount in the Maw for the intro, I highly doubt it. Their will say it doesn’t make sense since your alt is new to SL and hasn’t established a presence in the Maw. They will keep it a level cap thing and force alts to continue to drudge through that place on foot unless you have one of the Maw mounts.

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That’s a possibility… well, there seems to be the loophole with the shade hound mounts for now.

Cause you’re gonna play the way they want you to and you’re gonna like it.


c’mon buddy…


The maw intro is so trivial. You literally get led by the nose for some exp. It’s easy and doesn’t take a lot of time.

Personally, I’d rather have a Covenant campaign skip if you’ve already done it.

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The hand holding either needs to be stopped or the level requirements at specific parts of the campaign quests (the quest chains you NEED to do your first time through) needs to be full on removed.

“If you skip The Maw, your XP is out of synch with the campaign”

So… scale the campaign? Solutions exist, EASY solutions at that, don’t give us excuses when solutions exist that you’re ALREADY USING ELSEWHERE.

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It’s funny because they allow you to skip the rest of the main quest line on your alts.


Op asked for an explanation, I provided closest insight I could into their reasoning. If you want to see them say it yourself its in the video (it should be timed to the correct portion where they discuss this). Now whatever feelings you have on this, its inconsistent or doesn’t make sense, or I want to skip this particular section, whatever, cool, I don’t care. You want a why there it is, you want sound consistent reasoning that fits in line with your values and vision, I can’t help you.

Further point where he says its feedback he will certainly bring back to the team (more broadly directed at alt catchup rather than Maw specific intro section), be sure to voice your opinion on the forums, Twitter, Reddit, whatever floats your boat.

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Because the Maw intro guarantees that each player (and each alt) spends X amount of time in game. Once they allow Maw skip they reduce that large amount of time spent per player significantly. Basically, it isn’t about you, your enjoyment, or saving you time. It’s the opposite of that.

The Maw intro is guaranteed chunk of player time that is sitting on metrics somewhere tied to that feature. Those play time metrics are summed up across the game (like X% of world quests played contributing X hours to time spent, etc.). The more they decrease those time played metrics the more unhappy those reports look.

There’d be more /timeplayed from people who skipped as getting a level in threads of fate takes longer than the level or so you get from the intro.

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Because the new WoW theme is “Punishing content”.

It would be optional. No one would get “robbed” if they can choose what they prefer.

my question is why is it that big a deal?
How many alts are we actually leveling?

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“If we are removing progression for alts at an account wide level we are actually potentially destroying a significant playstyle for a different group of folks”.

Again you say optional, they dont see it that way.
I’m not saying hes right, I’m not advocating for any position, but robs/destroys whatever word you want to use that’s exactly what Ion says. If you want an explanation it’s there, if you find the explanation unsatisfying then by all means give feedback. But just know I’m simply pointing to where they talk about this and their intent/reasoning.

Last time I’ll say it.

I busted my butt getting the corridor creeper, and it made the alts journeys much quicker. Except for that monologue by jaina.

Because they are stingy with adding any skips that lets players cut play time.

It adds an hour to the engagement metric of an account every time someone levels an alt.

Edit - I just level every one of my alts to level 52 and make sure they are iLvL 100 before they go there… Seems to help. (I actually have a Paladin at level 58 now from pet battles. Maybe I’ll go there when she gets to 60.)


This is #9 for me


I will never skip a Maw intro. It’s exciting watching Darion swing his huge sword around :blush:, and killing stuff for me. Thrall, and his axe not so much.

The same reason it’s vital to make an obstacle out of entire zones. So you don’t eat up content as fast.