What is the 100% Mistweaver, 0% Fistweaver build?

Hello Monk friends. I am very tentatively dipping my toe back into healing on my monk after a long layoff (I really miss the days where I could run around while channeling Soothing Mist, good times).

Here’s what I am interested in and not interested in. I’m not planning on healing Mythics or raids, except perhaps LFR, maybe. Mostly I’m just looking to heal heroics (which I already do easily enough) and Tier 8 delves. I’ve been looking at guides and it seems like some melee attacks are still part of the rotation for the builds I see. I’m interested in pure ranged healing and am looking for Mistweaver specs/recommendations for that.

I don’t know if I even really need to worry about my build that much for T8 delves as I haven’t tried healing them on my Monk. Just looking for some feedback from the community as nowadays I’m a pretty noobish Monk healer. I do have a lot of delve experience tanking/dpsing and healing on other characters, so I am quite familiar with the delves. Just trying to gain some knowledge/advice before I roll into a delve as a Monk healer.

Thank you and I look forward to your Ted Talks.

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For pure ranged healing, I’d recommend you play a different class.


If you’re not worried about playing optimally, just make up your own build and play how you want.



Peer Into Peace - Everything is instant cast while channeling Soothing Mist.
Mending Proliferation - To help spread Enveloping Mist’s healing bonus
Rushing Wind Kick - To activate Rising Mist from range
Jade Empowerment - To shoot big lightning.

You just need drink Mana Tea before spamming Enveloping Mist. I am averaging 230K DPS in +10, I only go up to +10.

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@Battle Yeah that’s kind of what I’ve been doing so far. And it works well enough for lower content.

@Marriggs, thanks I will check that out

The ancient art of fistweaving :panda_face:

As someone who also loves ‘ranged’ mistweaving, be sure you’re in melee enough to help with kicks, using your Leg Sweep creatively, and applying the Mystic Touch on every mob you can.


Just copy my build
I almost use this build to get 2800 m+ rating. You can just range heal all the time. However, to help interrupt, still need to stand in melee.

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Thank you, I will check this out!

You hypothetically could but it would not be as good as a hybrid build of some kind and would be very mana exaustive. Cast weaving is mostly a raid and battlegrounds thing. And in raid a talent called Rushing Wind Kick or something like that has kind of been popular and incentivized fist weaving talents. I’ve seen a stream of a cast weaver in raid before that though and they were doing great healing but going oom constantly.

There is an old joke that cast weaver is “oom weaver.” Even with mana tea it’s mana intensive until your oom with few or no mana tea stacks.

For delves though this is not viable realistically. Maybe in 8 but even then I think it’s an uphill battle. Blizzard did not tune delves well with healers or slow squishy kite classes necessarily. To compensate bran used to have infinite scaling and could help out a lot more but was capped and nerfed severely. Part of the problem with trying to cast weave solo delves is that Brann will basically never hold threat and if he does he will die, so you’re going to be taking all of the melee and lots of spells constantly while in combat. Bran will not do enough damage on his own to justify giving up fist weaving imo. Feast weaving will give you high melee up time, greater leniency on mana economy, and you will heal just from doing your melee rotation which will sustain you through combat while contributing to damage.

While it may be possible, I would highly recommend against it. It will just add unecessary levels of difficulty to your delve experience with no added benefit.

NOW! next season when brann finally gets a tank spec, you should be able to do this all you want. Or I would imagine unless brann is just the flimsiest tank ever or struggles to hold threat.