What is "Sunday Posting"? Why Sunday?

What is the Lore about Sunday?

I’ve been reading all this stuff about Sunday and pretending to be in on it but I’m actually lost.

This is literally the second forum i’ve used in my life, with the first being some lego-game forum I used a little bit when I was like 10.

Did something horrible happen on Sunday?

Is it because more people are home Sunday so forum activity increases?

Am I Sunday Posting right now?


Traditionally, it was the one day of the week the mods were more lax in watching over the boards. So people would go a bit nuts with odd and inflammatory threads as there was a better chance they would stay up longer.



I learn something new every day


“They” say no one is watching us on Sunday so anything goes. I don’t believe it, but that is the legend.

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Sunday. Rest day. Would like a nice rick roll. In the bible, rick rolls are mandatory.


Was it Backlot?

The lesser known 11th Commandment.


Thomas Gibson is watching you!

Cuz Criminal Minds show n them calling unknown subjects/suspects unsubs in the show.

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I miss that show.

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Church Sunday ?

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/moo :cow:


You Sunday post everyday! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


It was “Blockland,” a Lego rip off.

That game, without exaguration, was the closest one could go about experiencing living in a world abandoned by a once loving and nurturing God.

The lore goes deep

The lone solo developer straight up abandoned the game, leaving the game and the forums completely unmoderated, but for some reason he kept the servers up?

It was a place of chaos and anarchy, I can’t explain but looking back it felt like it’s own little micro ecosystem on a strange part of the web.

Years later, it would go on sale on Steam somehow… as it remained unmoderated and without any updates since the creator abandoned the game.


Well… what an unnerving fever dream that was.


Sundays used to be really out of control but it’s been really toned down for a while now. I remember when hooves used to go on troll posting rampages. Raistlin was another that was entertaining. The quality of sunday troll posts has gone way down :confused:

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