What is something you oppose the majority of the WoW community over?

I wish that flying had not been introduced, if only to avoid the strife that has ensued over how it should be obtained. It should be a reward for hard work, not an entitlement. Saving up gold in the good old days was a challenge for almost everybody. Now, the only way to make a challenge fair is Pathfinder. It is only viable solution - but it needs to be resigned from the ground up.

< Aliel > casts Devine Shild to reduce all damage taken due to attacks.


Cataclysm wasn’t that bad. It had a major problem with overexposure to Dragon Soul due to content drought, but it honestly wasn’t bad. I think most of the hate comes from it coming directly after WotLK, which is the favorite/second favorite for many people. Add in that with Tol Barad not being as good as Wintergrasp and Dragon Soul’s content drought, it gets way more hate than deserved.


Allied races are the dumbest addition to the game. Ever.


I would also like to go to Farahlon.

And I want to do that with my playable Ogre. They were, by far, my favorite way to attack in the RTS. I would torment my college roommate with hordes of mindless building punchers on bloodlust. (Recalled it was Alliance I could polymorph with).

I’m not the only one!? By god I thought I was alone in this world!
Why are people so intent on throwing out the baby with the bathwater? The expansion sucked largely because of the cut content and people cooped up in garrisons. What was awful about seeing a (mostly) pristine karabor?

I agree with this, in fact…

Legion should have been two expansions. The second expansion being taking the fight to Argus and not a paltry lead-up storywise to storming Antorus. The Legion had been there as the boogieman and we summarily defeat them in a year canonically?

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A stablished character turning gay out of nowhere(especially the ones known to like the opposite sex) woud only make people go mad, but i have nothing against a brand new gay characater.


Raiding is stupid and I wish endgame didn’t revolve around it.


I’ll take whatever LGBT+ bone they throw me at this point.

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(comes Grøm with cookies since I agree)



I think the game’s lore is pretty well done for the most part but people don’t know what nuance is and don’t get anything if it’s not in their faces.


Casual is really a definition of time investment and shouldn’t be used to denote people of lower skill.


My couple two are:

  1. I’d like to see cross-faction PvE through raids / dungeons (while maintaining faction lines for PvP in BGs and in the world)

  2. I don’t mind micro-transactions as I recognize that is the paradigm we live with in 2019.


Oh I have another one. The yeti suit killed any desire to ever log into retail again. Immersion breaking macrotransaction BS.

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True if that means to suggest that stories can be slightly different when retold.

Based on the mobs in Elisande’s Secret Quarters she was at least Bi.

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Overall the game is far too easy


PvP and E-sports oriented dungeons should be removed from the game. If you want to play a moba play one, dont force WoW into that mold.
The LFG tool shouldn’t be cross realm, characters should get surnames and low pop realms should be consolidated.


Honestly one of my favorite zone and questlines in the game! I’m sad we won’t likely see anything like it again because of the poor reception.

As far as what I oppose the “majority” on, I actually take it a step further. Cata was my favorite xpac

Cute and fuzzy Panda DK’s of death and destruction. Cant be both, gotta choose one or the other

If you want to RP, try Elder Scrolls Online. It has a huge RP community and is a lot of fun to play. I play both WoW and ESO, they fill different areas of fun for me. You don’t have to sub to ESO, but if you are going to craft you should, because you get a crafting bag that has unlimited slots and is shared by all your characters. Also, all your bound equipment can be shared between your characters as well as your Champion Points (which are basically a bunch of different passives). You have a grand total of CP’s and you can spend them individually on each of your characters.