What is range of wing buffet

I’m sorry…. Why are some evoker spells still SO LIKE BARE MINIMUM…??? What is the range of wing buffet…. I am scouring the internet… wow head no comments…… TELL ME THE RANGE …… this is triggering…. Tail swipe… how long in the air? These texts are bare minimum…. Typhoon says exactly 20 yards in front of me…. And dazes boom done. I need clarification on these two spells……. This is season4 now…. Someone pls tell me the range for wing buffet…. :cloud_with_rain:

And yet you’re literally the first person to post that this is confusing, so it’s clearly a you problem.

The wowhead page for the spell literally answers your questions, in case using it 2-3 times on mobs didn’t give you all you needed to know about it.

There’s even a picture that shows you very clearly what the radius is.

they hate to see a reptile well informed and educated


Less pictures less conjecture. Post data. Say the number or idc. I checked the wow head one, are they talking about the radius or value? https://www.wowhead.com/spell=357214/wing-buffet
Stop being annoying and just say the number. And no using it has not shown me the exact number. I can “guess” but with typhoon i feel it exactly because as it says “ 20yards”. Say the number or link it to where it says or be quiet.

It’s on the link you posted, lol.

I’m sorry that you’re this incapable of helping yourself and expect others to spoon feed you just because you’re having a little baby-rage tantrum.

Less anger and more literacy.

IDK how you got to that page yet still can’t figure out its range. 15 yards, the same as typhoon.

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You were supposed to save us from the dark side, not join them😉.

Let the child learn how to read.

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That says radius not range. …. I’m asking for “range”. Radius is not the same as range…. Yall got some nerve edit: asking for clarification is somehow “ weird” on these forums. Maybe yall needa get a life. I am again since u guys can’t read, asking for “range”. Not radius.

The radius is the range, you silly goose.

You clearly haven’t even used the spell if you don’t understand that, lol.

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Gonna have to draw this one out for you.

You’re kinda mean. Last time I answer any of your questions >:(

I guess I should’ve


Yes becuz even if u say that, I want clarification from blizzard and for them to test it and put it on the class ability. What are u guys not getting. This class feels so undone and its s4. Is it that hard to put “ and goes 15 YARDS ahead of u.” One test and a line of text. Boom. Btw I didnt mean to reply to u my bad, the other weirdo tho…

Test it on critters. There are alot of range add-ons out there but the push range is 15 yards last I checked.

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I apologize for my behavior… my meds sometimes make go …weird. :bowing_man: I have done more testing and been acquiring data on dracyther spells. I will now conclude my posts. :cloud_with_rain:

In the software industry, you don’t go out of your way to preemptively fix a problem that .000001% of your customers might have in the future because of their own failure to understand something simple.

Every tooltip would have an appendix if they did that.

Chalk this one up to your own misunderstanding (and hilarious amount of tantruming) and move on.

It is in fact s4 and you’re the only time I’ve seen anyone struggle to grasp the spell in 2 years between these forums and evoker discord.

The fact that you can literally play-test this but you’re demanding confirmation from blizzard because you are very confuse is legitimately comical.

I love your little drawing. That made my day.

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