What is mithril in real life?

In the real world, it is electrum? A mix of gold and silver. It also varies due to not being 50/50 this or that all the time.

None of the above. Mithril doesn’t exist in reality. The term was coined by J.R.R.Tolkien for his Middle-Earth stories. Others have used it because he didn’t complain.


an alloy of depleted uranium and unobtainium


I’m pretty sure he wasn’t alive to complain, but I doubt he would have since his stated goal was to create myth, and part of being a good myth is having aspects retold.

His estate allowed Orcs to be borrowed but not Hobbits. I wonder why.

Orcs were actually common usage, not something he made up. TSR tried to copyright the term and lost because of it. Like elves and fairies and goblins, all part of human myths and legends.

Orcs predate Tolkien by like a thousand years lol.

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Oh really? :open_mouth:

I don’t recall older fantasy stories using orcs. Whenever I hear the word Orc, I think of LotR.

Really? I was not aware of that.

if i think i remember orcs are the corrupted elves in fantasy lore
and tolken did not want to do that if i recall

It’s half Myth, and half Real. Use’ your imagination to fill the gap’s

Thats like asking what Kryptonite compares to in a Real life. You cant compare a fictional element to one that actually exist. Its not on even our periotic table therefore it would be considered “unclassifiable”

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In real life, mithril is made from Soylent Green by-products and leftover Propane accessories.


Incorrect. IRL, Kryptonite is called brussels sprouts and they can sicken even the strongest hero.


I have missed you Shreds. My Bizzarro earth sibling

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its literally mythril

The closest analogs to mithril in real life would probably be Aluminum(sturdy for how light weight it is, also used to be EXTREMELY rare before we discovered the process of extracting it from Bauxite) or Titanium(another lightweight metal, but much stronger).

googles … he missed the first edition of Dungeons and Dragons by a year.

( and I promptly get lost down a surprisingly deep google rabbit hole exploring the history of the term mithril and its misspellings crossing over into D&D )

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I went for orc myself. I wasn’t sure on that one.

The hint is in the name

Mithril…Mythril… Myth ril